Hi All,
I love this discussion on homes and houses.
Anticipating Paradise and then realizing it was "paradise lost" as Sea said. Anticipating wonderful thanksgivings in a beautiful dining room and then remembering the disappointing thanksgivings, as CB said.
"When I drive away, I will have to say goodbye to those dreams and disappointments." CB, to me, you're describing grief. Not only is it saying goodbye to your actual home, but saying goodbye to dreams. But, finding new dreams in your new home.
Yes, I'm going through this myself. I have to move, but I don't know where in my town I want to live. Do I want to live here or there and what will it be like? It's like trying on a bunch of hats and nothing quite fits. Looking for a paradise, which I know, won't always be paradise. Making a commitment to plant roots and not knowing if the roots will take.
I believe that Jung thought that when we dream of houses, the house represents ourselves. I had a dream about a three story house and the top floor was rotating, like one of those rotating restaurants at the top of a building. Maybe, according to Jung, the house in my dream was a metaphor of my mind spinning around.
Hoping we all find happiness in our new homes.