Author Topic: A couple of sites to visit-- just up to you, but I was fascinated.  (Read 1708 times)


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Hi all

an email from my daughter
Mags, these are the videos I was telling you about.... they're each an hour long, so you'll have to plan time for them.  Mom, you might like them to:

and part 2:


Because each one is an hour long, I had to wait until today to have time to watch. I felt if my daughter thought I would enjoy them, then I had better watch and see what I got out of them.

Well he is a medical professor, researcher who is taking apart the old Darwinian Theory and substituting the newer Quantum Theory beginning with a cell in our bodies (even though there are 50-70 trillon cells.)

Step by step he gets to the point whereby all these cells make a person.There is more about Energy and what controls us (beginning  with the cell has conrol) and even why (in my words) we attracted an N. How stress can kill us! How traits of the mother are passed on to the child.

......also be prepared to not remember a damned thing after 2 hours!

These came on the 10th. I emailed a 'nice' email to her, absolutely nothing negative, whereby on top I asked if Maggie was still at home, as it was mailed to Maggie too, or was it just that they had separate computers. underneath was an address for a funny video clip and I commented on that, then I pasted my email below. She either didn't see the email, or ignored it, as she responded to say that Mags was still at home and now son #2, 14 , has gone to live with N Dad. How disheartening! I didn't leave it there, but emailed back to say I had sent an email below that URL. Had she seen it? Then I will know if she is ignoring anything personal, and only sending the occasional Link to see/read



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Re: A couple of sites to visit-- just up to you, but I was fascinated.
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2007, 11:43:40 PM »

That is great that you contacted your daughter. Do not expect much. Give it time and take very baby steps. She gave you a lot of information to test the waters. Honour that.
Good Luck

Sea Storm


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Re: A couple of sites to visit-- just up to you, but I was fascinated.
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2007, 01:13:15 AM »
I'm so glad, Izzy.


That's all.

Don't worry about trying to read between the lines.
Just take any message at face value. Hard as it is!

She was thinking of you.

Sounds nuts but maybe she's like a shy deer. You don't want to overwhelm her.
Some fear has kept her away (could she have feared, rightly or wronglly, that you might keep mentioning her exN and what he did to you, and encouraged her to do? Even though that's all true, it's probably got to be placed in the past and locked there, for you two to reconnect. Just a hunch and please do forgive me if I'm guessing all wrong. I can do that!)

Meanwhile, I'm so glad for you. Cracks in ice are signs of opening water.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: A couple of sites to visit-- just up to you, but I was fascinated.
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2007, 01:54:30 PM »
Dear Izzy,


I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Izzy, I think you changed my life.  Now I really understand the significamce of  affirmations and negative/positive scripts.

I used to read affirmations, while thinking to myself "yeah, right, what BS", even though I tried to incorporate some positive thinking.

Lipton shows why one should BANISH all negative thought since the repercussions are profound.

I spent about 3 hours watching the video and I took notes (what a nerd!!).  I loved it and want to absorb it.

One note:  on my computer, I noticed that the URL you posted did not have pause & play buttons, so I found a URL which did:

This URL enabled me to pause and replay the video so that I could take notes.

Regarding your daughter, it's WONDERFUL that you guys are communicating.  In my opinion, take baby steps, little by little.  As long as neither of you steps on the others' toes, this may grow into a reunion.  Wouldn't that be GREAT!!!!!

Izzy, you're a super person.  Thank you again.  So glad you're here.

lotts of love,


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Re: A couple of sites to visit-- just up to you, but I was fascinated.
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2007, 03:05:05 PM »
hi seastorm
hi Hopalong

Thank you for your comments re my daughter. I appreciate what you had to say and definitely will take it slow and easy. My email to her was all positive and there was no mention of N-ism or estrangement.  I won't be racing to the computer expecting a reply. slow and easy!

and Dazed too re my daughter and i'm so glad you enjoyed the Bruce Lipton tapes. I forgot to post his name.

I was fascinated with the progression he took in explaining what he tied up so neatly at the end.

you "yeah, right, what BS".... made me laugh

Well I suppose I am ½ a nerd, as I scribbled notes too, but not many as I had to keep up with him.  I will watch it again, but I sure was interested in his "attracted the bad person" and I thought "that's how the Ns grabbed us".

I was also fascinated about how the unborn babe is taking in the mother's beliefs!

Also happy you found a pause and play site. That helps, as he just talks along and doesn't skip a beat!



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Re: A couple of sites to visit-- just up to you, but I was fascinated.
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2007, 04:44:28 PM »
I had never heard of this person.

Thank you Izzy (and Izzy's D) so much for this video!

I sent it straight to my D.

Funny how circles work.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

Gaining Strength

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Re: A couple of sites to visit-- just up to you, but I was fascinated.
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2007, 02:53:33 PM »
I have just listened to part 2.  Just about 25 minutes in he says, "Moving forward is growth, moving backward is protection." 

How amazing is that!! This is what I posted the other day.

"On Thursday, I wrote this in a post, "I already feel as though I have made a significant switch from dreading the shame of life to going out to meet life. "  Then yesterday morning I picked up a free publication called "Natural Awakenings" and found an article entitled, "Realizing Your Resolution".  It's a brief article that gives three steps and the introduction ends with these sentences: Many of us tend to back away from what we don't want, rather than head towards what we do.  We try to get to our destination by shifting into reverse and backing away from where we don't want to be."

Is there a message trying to get in????

Thanks so much Izzy.  This is great stuff. - GS