Hi all...I'm not on the puter much anymore, but I did have a chance to read this one post about Stockholm Syndrome and Isittoolate's response to it. I'd like to give my opinion on this.
Is and anyone else, a LOT of the reason why people do not leave, is based on their personalities. Some people tend to be very passive and feel it's easier to stick with the familiar situation...whereas, I can say with a little bit of confidence, that, being the rebel that I am, I'd be trying to connive ways to contact help and get the heck OUT of a situation, and further, after I got out, I'd go knocking on doors, explaining my situation...and the first door I'd knock on would be the POLICE. That's my personality though...I'm not timid, nor intimidated by people very easily, except if they have a weapon of some kind...at any rate, I'd be the one who most likely DIED TRYING to get out...I wouldn't just "sit there and take it" without a fight, unless rendered physically helpless.