Enoug Already, the discussion didn't go exactly the way I intended but people are free to say what they will. I made it clear what my intentions were - and I am clear in myself what I truly intended : to share my belief that you don't have to create a consistent persona either in life or on this board and that's it's OK not to be consistent. YOU choose to dispute my stated intention. You are wrong. Do I hear the words 'ooops, sorry' (You know, the way normal people do...I'm still waiting...)
See if you can keep yourself under enough control to find a constructive way of handling your feeling of upset when you see something you don't like - just for once talk about your own feelings instead of looking for the nearest scapegoat to dump it all on.
Believe it or not, I am not responsible for the spats that other people decide to have here. Gosh, what power you see in me!! LOL - that's really something to try to dump the blame on me for other people's disputes!!! In fact, I posted a second time to try to reorientate the thread and get it back on track but clearly did not succeed. Oh, you missed that one did you - or it inconveniently got in the way so you ignored it. Heavens above - let's not let the truth get in the way of a good scapegoating opportunity.
Give it a rest, Enough already - Yes, ENOUGH ALREADY, Enough Already!!! <G>
Actually, I am sick of your posts. They rile, they create upset. And why? Because you get at people - every post you make, you GET at people. You accuse, you judge, you shame.
What do you get out of that??? You demanded (!) an answer from me. What about an answer from you.
It's time for you to look inside yourself and start sharing YOUR feelings rather than spending your time tripping others up, twisting their intentions (mind games!) and putting people down..
If you are not interested in thinking about the concepts raised in this post, contributing constructively and helping it along, then keep out.
And if you think you won, you also lost!
To anyone else reading this - I don't need rescuing. I'm mad and I'm happy to stay that way.
Can you please answer that directly, without speaking peripherally and saying something like "it is my right to free speech & to say what I want". That's your style not mine. And I have no obligation to answer your question but I will. I did not rehash the guest topic. I clearly stated that was not the intention of the thread. You believe what you like. You will anyway!!!