Author Topic: Did Ns kidnap us? Stockholm syndrome  (Read 3918 times)


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Re: Did Ns kidnap us? Stockholm syndrome
« Reply #15 on: January 16, 2007, 08:32:55 AM »

Pups got teeth, eyes and ears and is moving towards being trained to spot the Ns in the world

Ruf Ruf



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Re: Did Ns kidnap us? Stockholm syndrome
« Reply #16 on: January 16, 2007, 02:14:52 PM »
Hi all...I'm not on the puter much anymore, but I did have a chance to read this one post about Stockholm Syndrome and Isittoolate's response to it.  I'd like to give my opinion on this.

Is and anyone else, a LOT of the reason why people do not leave, is based on their personalities.  Some people tend to be very passive and feel it's easier to stick with the familiar situation...whereas, I can say with a little bit of confidence, that, being the rebel that I am, I'd be trying to connive ways to contact help and get the heck OUT of a situation, and further, after I got out, I'd go knocking on doors, explaining my situation...and the first door I'd knock on would be the POLICE.  That's my personality though...I'm not timid, nor intimidated by people very easily, except if they have a weapon of some any rate, I'd be the one who most likely DIED TRYING to get out...I wouldn't just "sit there and take it" without a fight, unless rendered physically helpless.



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Re: Did Ns kidnap us? Stockholm syndrome
« Reply #17 on: January 16, 2007, 08:12:52 PM »
Hey, Laura!
Where you been? Everything okay with you?

Have you cut back on your 'puter time?

I've missed you.
Catch us up when/if you can.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

Gaining Strength

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Re: Did Ns kidnap us? Stockholm syndrome
« Reply #18 on: January 17, 2007, 07:48:21 PM »
I am very interested in this story about the kidnapped boys.  To have a child returned to his parents after 4 years is so remarkable to me that I want to learn more and more.  I just read an online Newsweek article on the MSN page about it and here are two excerpts that caught my attention:

Dr. Frank Ochberg, one of the psychiatrists who helped coin the term, says he doesn’t know enough about Hornbeck’s case to say whether it falls into this category. “The boy would have had to have been badly traumatized at the onset, and he would have had to have gone through a stage in which he was infantilized,” says Ochberg. “To become psychologically infantilized,” he explains, people’s “infant needs for food and love are met and they begin to feel a primitive, primordial gratitude toward the person taking care of them.” Other experts who have been following the case from afar say Hornbeck’s behavior appears to show signs of the syndrome.


“Unless you understand the child’s experience of that threat and the ways in which it’s renewed,” says Pynoos, “you can’t understand the actions of that child.” What may look like a prime opportunity for escape to the outside world may look like anything but that to a captive child.

In Dazed's original post our experience with N's is related to Stockholm syndrome.  When I think of growing up with N parents it is sort of like growing up with kidnappers.  A child of N parents is there to satisfy some end not to be nurtured and loved and encouraged to develop fully, but to be manipulated and controlled.  With that in mind this second excerpt really puts things in perspective - what life of a kidnapped child looks like to the outside world may be completely different from what life looks like to that child.  That is very helpful. 

The video clip that Izzy posted spends considerable focus on the reality shifting capacity of perspective.  The perspective of a child held ransom so to speak would be completely different from how that child is viewed from the outside world.  Just food for thought - GS


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Re: Did Ns kidnap us? Stockholm syndrome
« Reply #19 on: January 18, 2007, 01:53:39 PM »
Hi Hops

I've been reading messages from here but yes alas I am without a computer at home, so have been using the library and school's.  Time is very limited, because I have to work at my restaurant all the time, so I'm always reading and typing quick if at all...I'm back at school taking Abnormal Psych and also working out at a Fitness Center Mon, Wed, Fri

Talk soon


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Re: Did Ns kidnap us? Stockholm syndrome
« Reply #20 on: January 18, 2007, 07:46:32 PM »
Good for you, RM!
You're exercising body and mind.

Bravo, catch you when you can...

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Did Ns kidnap us? Stockholm syndrome
« Reply #21 on: January 19, 2007, 12:08:30 PM »
Hey CB,
No kiddin.
The first relief was when last night Keith Olbermann said Bill OReilly had finally crossed over to the unconscionable for saying the boy was having "more fun where he was" and no longer deserved a space on the airwaves.

(That might not be PC, but now and then I really am for censorship!)

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."