When my motehr got on an anitdepressant a few years back, the doctor told her she could take it without therapy because he felt she was fine. That is how much she can fool people. At work, I hardly recognized her. SHe was capable and smart... I remember my sister and I both wondering why that woman couldn't be our mom.
I guess I feel sneaky, CB. Maybe I feel sneaky like her.
Thank you for the tough questions... Need to think more.
Love, Beth
I was so lucky, in how I discovered my own mother's true nature - in a weird way.
People came to me and told me what my mother had been doing because they were so ashamed that they had believed her without ever making any effort to hear 'my side' of things.
It makes a difference. The information wasn't 'tainted' in any way and I could just take it in...
But Beth, I do know how this feels. I didn't 'trap' my mother into any admissions but I have, on more than one occasion 'set up' other abusive - or dishonest - people to reveal their true natures, when I wasn't sure [and had some way of doing so available to me]. It always feels crummy.
It's one of these 'does the end justify the means' things.
I don't think there's a cut and dried answer... in my case, I discovered that my ex-beloved was cheating on me, and spared myself a lot of grief in the long term at the expense of more grief in the short term [and feeling soiled]. I also discovered that a friend was not a friend at all; again sparing myself long term grief at the cost of short term pain.
It's a tough call, and you can't really make it yet. I now believe with all my heart that I was wise to force my ex-beloved to 'give his game away'... you see, the husband of the woman he cheated on me with died, a few years later, under rather strange circumstances... she was a nurse... who knows what I may have escaped?