I'm in the process of taking my final two courses in my online graduate school and, as this course has progressed, I am getting the sinking feeling that one of my classmates in an N. When she first introduced herself to the rest of the class, she bragged about how her writing is going to be "inspirational to everyone else" (Red Flag Number One?). Today, my project group got a message, addressed to the group as a whole, congratulating us on our project and that we are displaying great teamwork. I responded with a "Thank You" to the instructor, which I thought was the appropriate thing to do. This suspected N posts the following to me: "What about me? I feel left out!" (Red Flag Number Two?) I had such a visceral reaction that it's all I can do to be civil to her. The rest of the time, I do not respond to her postings if I can help it, especially when she keeps attempting to focus the class on herself instead of on the project we are required to work on. Sheesh!!!!