A shiny red apple......all bruised, moldy, and wormy inside......
The mask of empathy.
That is how I feel about my N H. He learned from his drama major N mother just how to turn on the charm and mock empathy so well that I really thought he was good with empathy for years! But somehow, things just didn't feel right and I couldn't put my finger on it. Sure he had all the other traits of Nism, perhaps even NPD, with BPD thrown in the mix for extra fun, but the empathy thing was throwing me off.
I started clue-ing in on this and now I see him putting on his show daily. It makes me want to vomit. He is still getting away with it with everyone but me.
Some of the things I finally got a clue from:
He is kind to animals
because they feed his Nism (esp dogs) and he looks good for doing it
...as long as it doesn't inconvenience him, or if he is mad his concern for them vanishes and to hell with them (and everyone else)
He holds, and consoles me when I cry------
because he is responsible for my tears of frustration
....but if I
say anything about
him causing my frustration out comes the monster
...and he likes to feed off my 'WEAKNESS" to make him feel better and superior
He is kind to his mother-------
because he wants to leech emotionally and financially off her
....but she can't ever anger him or ask him favors or he goes into emotional meltdown, usually a tirade unleashed on me, or a suicidal breakdown
He praises his children and helps them when sick or hurt-------
because he knows that he will look bad if he doesn't and he feeds off their unconditional love for their dad
...but if they complain, ask anything, interrupt him, inconvenience him, let him down, embarrass him, are dirty, messy, or noisy he pouts, or rages, or manipulates. Or plays mind games with them to get praise and adulation and insisting through fear and jugdment they live their lives for him.
He is there for me when I am physically ill
because he has to.
....except when he thinks he can be sicker than me and I end up nursing him.
...and when he "helps" me, he is sure to point out all my errors in the way I do things and see how much better he does my job. Or he lasts for a bit and then ends up freaking out because my job is driving him crazy. (forget it---I just don't bother to admit being sick anymore---it's not worth it)
He is sooo good at this stuff on the surface, that he cons most. It takes living with him with eyes wide open for a bit to actually see it. So to try prove it to most or seek understanding, would be pointless.
Except you guys. I have this sneaky feeling you might understand! Being able to post here has been a life-saver for me lately!
Thanks for letting me vent....again.
P.S. I had a particularly rough month last month and broke dowm emotionally after having my teen daughter scream at me. (the other N in the home). He says: "I know what you need...you just need ME!"
Yeah, um, don't quit your DAY JOB! Einstein.