Hi all,
Eyes: they do say are the window to your soul
Eyes: looking into my Nmother's and Nsister's eyes makes your tummy have that scaredy feeling, as they change into dark pebbles, and, also they cast their eyes down to you, whilst displaying that smirky grin (hard to put into words). NC in place, but aside from that, I don't think I could ever go back and see those eyes again.
They are evil persons and I am not being unkind to them, the history of their actions speaks accordingly.
On the thread entitled 'openness honesty with friends' I shared about my now x new friend church lady (I had to drop some items off to her yesterday, and proud to say that I handled myself well exercising my boundary ... another story. But her eyes, I have never once seen them smile, have any light them, they are completely black cold and chilling - bit scarey actually. And if only I had heeded that 'gut feeling' upon my first encounter with her, as she sat staring at me with her cold black eyes - why the heck didn't I?
Just wanted to be kind and think of kind things of her I think.
Thankfully, I am very grateful to be me, my life has not been much to shout about in terms of love and happiness, but, more and more I am genuinely humble and thankful to have been created as me, people do like to look into my eyes and they have said that they see light in them, not boasting about it, just really very very grateful. Soppy and sensitive yes, to the annoyance of many, but so thankful. I have been told "I am too nice and make people hate me" at work! Who needs N's when you have colleagues! (most likely an N anyway).
Also, over a year ago now, on a day outing, which I went on with a group as I was so lonely (never been on one again) I did get talking with a man who seemed nice and friendly, but, his eyes changed in front of me, for no apparent reason, from light sparkly blue to dark black. Then his face went from soft to hard. He just looked in my eyes and said "your eyes make me feel guilty" "I feel like a bad boy with you" ..... well I had that scaredy feeling in my tummy and my heart went thump thump.