Author Topic: Aren't Ns SOOOO Boring?  (Read 3175 times)


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Re: Aren't Ns SOOOO Boring?
« Reply #15 on: January 28, 2007, 02:17:52 PM »
Oh Stormy,

Chills ran down my spine when I read this:

"The Help Rejecting Complainer is someone who forms a hostile dependent relationship with people who they need.  These people are unaware of their dependency needs and often will loudly proclaim how independent they are; at the same time, their behavior reveals their need for a parental relationship with others who are emotionally important to them. "

This describes my foo.  I've been surrounded with this attitude my entire life.

It's amazing I'm not a borderline, or in prison or the looney bin.

They push you away with one hand and pull you close with the other.


Bless you for the article.



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Re: Aren't Ns SOOOO Boring?
« Reply #16 on: January 28, 2007, 06:08:58 PM »

It's like Ns are incapable of having an interesting interactive conversation, so they drone on in an egocentric monologue.


That's definitely what I have experienced.  My N grandfather perfected the skill of talking without taking a breath, so on one else could get a word in edgewise.  My N/autistic father is more introverted, but he has a collection of quieter skills to keep any "conversation" on himself.  One of his favorite methods is the counterpoint.  No matter what anybody else has to say, my father can come up with a counterpoint, even if he contradicts things he said even a few moments before.   It's really weird to listen to him flip back and forth between opinions so he can always be in the right and giving a lecture.   I think it is a learned way of managing interaction.  Since he can't really interact with people, he has figured out ways to shut other people up.