Folks with ADHD would be at risk for car accidents, Iz, if they don't have a way to compensate. Too easily distracted, putting on their makeup or trying to read the paper... yes, there are people who try to read newspapers while they drive...
Folks who are high-functioning autistic or Asperger's would too, but for the opposite reason: too easily overfocused on one thing to the detriment of others.
Road rage babies would too, because all that huffing and puffing is going to lead to some fender benders at the very least, and the occasional crease in the side from cutting it too close next to a curb or sign or guardrail...
Edit in: that covers borderline PD and impulsive-aggressive disorders...
Ns would also have accidents, of course, because they expect the universe to adapt to THEM, not the other way around. Slow down because it's sleeting? Not THEM. Let the approaching car pass without pulling out at the last minute to cut him/her off? Perish the thought!