Today, once again I have been asked the question as to why it has taken so long to 'get over' and 'move on' as they say, from what happened to me four years ago, when my whole life was devastated by final betrayal and lies, and totally crumbled.
So I felt really guilty for having taken so long to find myself, as I was left feeling lost.
There is no quick fix method available for what we each of us have to work through. (N's just would not put the effort in)
After a lifetime of abuse from, Nmother, siblings, and my husband during my lifetime marriage in excess of 20 years.
First off, I went into shock, then numbness that seemed to last forever, then flashbacks and replay. Add to that ending my life long marriage, with N playing his suicide threat trump card to prevent it - rescued by myself, and again, no support whatsoever. The list goes on, to include my divorce action.
So I sat down and listed the areas of my entire life, that I have had to come to terms with, and work through, asking the question why?
Searching to find some reason and understanding, with the hope of overcoming each area, and finding healing and restoration - with real hope.
The list of areas in my life that i have had to work through .....
Overcome the effect of abusive behavior
Overcome the effect of neglect
Overcome the effect of invisibility
Overcome the effect of violation of boundaries
Overcome the effect of disassociation of feelings
Overcome the effect of having been raised in a dysfunctional, sick and emotionally unhealthy family
Overcome the effect of being over-criticized
Overcome the effect of separation and loss
Overcome the effect of being unloved
Overcome the effect of betrayal
Overcome the loss of hopes and dreams
Overcome the realization of unhealthy relationships
Overcome the feelings of loss of confidence and low self-esteem
Overcome the effect of No Contact
Overcome the effect of being Re-victimized by those unaware of Nism behavior
And I am sure that there are other areas of my life and being, that I have missed off the list, and, there is still some work-in-progress - in particular, the final one, which almost destroyed me ......
Overcome the devastating, continuing effect of Character Assassination and damage to health and career
Overcome the continuing anguish caused by assumption and presumption
Overcome the reality and disappointment of spiritual abuse
So, a twelve week quick fix programme was never an option as I was pushed into an abyss of despair and desperation.
Yes, it has taken 4 years, to wade through 40 years.
Broken heart, loss and grief, with shattered hope and dreams.
Without all the resources on-line, I would have remained completely lost in limbo, unable to find any answers, and so I am very thankful and grateful to all those who have created and maintained, contributed to, valuable sites such as this.
Edit: Most likely will delete this, as looking at it now, looks like I am boasting or something ....... feeling guilty again! That said, it was therapeutic yesterday after hearing my friend railroad me for not forgetting it and moving on.