My personal term,
"Words Abuse" .... was, and is, very real to me -
regarding the N's We are all familiar with the verse, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but calling names can't hurt me" .......... that's a Lie
"Words Abuse"
Sticks and Stones may break my bones
but words can also hurt me
Sticks and Stones break only skin
while words are ghosts that haunt me
Slant and curved, the word-swords fall
to pierce and stick inside me
Bats and bricks may ache through bones
but words can mortify me
Pain from words has left its scar
on mind and heart that's tender
Cuts and bruises now have healed
it's words that I remember
Physical abuse hurts and marks us on the outside for all the world to see.
"Words" abuse hurts and marks us on the inside and all too often no-one knows, because no-one sees.
The hurt caused by the very ones who are to love and nurture - parent(s) who you are to trust, by nature.
The hurt caused by the ones in your family nest.
The hurt caused by anyone real close to you, someone you loved and gave your affection and trust to.
The hurt caused by someone you trusted as a best friend.
You take the "words" to heart and begin to believe they're true.
And what makes it so hard to bear, is the inner suffering caused by the most calculating "word" abuser(s) who may be so very friendly, supportive, and charming, to most of the people who know them.
They don't hurl their hurtful words at you when witnesses are around, oh no, they wait until it's just the two of you before unleashing yet more words meant to inflict damage. They may especially do this to you during a telephone conversation, no-one can hear, maybe no-one else is around.
"Words" abuse makes you feel unsure and vulnerable, powerless even, especially as .....
What comes next?
The Silence.