Hi Axa,
Before discovering my voicelessness, I, too, thought I was Ms. Assertive, like you.
Yes, it's quite a shock to find out we're not.
"I knew I had become silenced in my relationship with XN but I am beginning to see it is everywhere. With friends, family, at work. I keep my mouth shut. I walk away, I take the hurt and stick it into my wound so that it festers and I feel sooooooooo bad, sooooooooo sad, so unheard. I have been silencing myself all these years." Yes, yes, yes yes yes!!!! Me too.
It's so interesting: once I became aware of my voicelessness, I can never go back to consciously being voiceless again. But, if at times I do revert to voicelessness, I feel the niggling in my tummy and then I become aware that I'm being voiceless.
Axa, please be careful when informing friends of your feelings. I did this about 1 month ago to a friend, told her how I felt and she has not contacted me since. However, since becoming aware of Nism, I think she has always been Nish and therefore, I'd rather not be around her and feel voiceless. Thus, if I am to remain "friends" with her, I must be voiceful. But due to her Nishness, I don't think she can handle my voicefulness. So, she's out of my life for now and that's OK. She used to make snarky remarks about me being in therapy, which really hurt. Of course, she doesn't "need" therapy and looks down her nose at it.
CB, regarding practicing dialogs, my T recommended starting sentences with "I feel that...", never say "You make me mad when you..." nor "You make me angry when you..."; nobody can "make" you feel anything; we choose our own feelings. Also, don't raise your voice, keep voice tone level, warm, be conscious of facial expressions and don't think of it as a "confrontation"; it's a 2 way conversation in which you are expressing YOUR feelings, not judging, nor projecting, nor yelling at the other person. Also, try to keep compassion in your heart when speaking to the other person. And, of course, listen their response. If you want, respond by repeating what they said, by saying something like: "so, let me understand what you're saying, you said....." and repeat what they said so that there's no confusion about what they said. We don't want to make the other person feel voiceless.