Hi, everyone
Thanks to all of you who shared your advise and experiences. It's really helped me through this latest episode in "Soap Opera N". I ended up sending her a completely meatless email. I went this route as I could tell she was becoming armed and dangerous as a result of my silence.
I used to have the fortitude to blast right back at her, which is apparently one of the effective techniques in dealing with these people, but over time I found that it just took too much of the energy I had left. Pandora, I think you and I have been reading similar material as I also read that it's sometimes better to keep one's distance and not disclose too much. This is something I've been gradually working on over the last few years. It seems to be working for me...so far...and I've found I have more time and energy to work on me. I'm not sure how this would work if one were still living with the N (I thank God that is no longer the case with me).
Rosencrantz, I think you're right about the self-mutilation analogy, as well as the satisfaction they get from it all. I've been giving some thought to the idea that perhaps my mother does love me...on some twisted level that's tangible only to her... but because she has so many huge issues of her own, she has to torture me, her kid, in order to subconciously punish herself/obtain something she needs. Perhaps when they feel particularly unworthy, they push our buttons hard enough to receive the punishment they feel they deserve? Could be.
Looking back on my childhood with this woman, I imagine that her true self is some horrific, convoluted storm thundering overhead, and the person she thinks she is, or wants to be, is the earth below, and I am just some hapless, meandering lightning rod that she manages to trap in between. The trick I'm trying to master is to a) not be hapless, and b) not be a lightning rod

. Rubber suit anyone? LOL!
We are merely convenient conduits for whatever these people need, in my opinion. I do love my mom - for me it's a primal connection that not even she can completely destroy - and like you, R, I also feel pity for her. Besides protecting myself from her by establishing firm boundaries, I think I'm also protecting that little oasis of love that I still carry for her. I'm working hard at only going there when I want to be close to her, instead of staggering off zombie like, chasing the skalding mirage that is my mother.
I also recall the tests..do you folks get "tested" by your N? I think mine was only nice in order to test for the presence of individulism. If I tested positive, down came another paralyzing blast from the N demon in the sky. If I tested negative, then I'd be left alone until I tried to stray from the N powerplant once again. Sometimes I wonder about the poor folks who eventually give up trying to break free of this trap. I suppose they just end up wandering about fretfully in N-land, occasionally receiving a reminder jolt, just in case they start getting any ideas. Aggh, it's all so irritating!!! Not to mention mind boggling.
Anyway, I'm babbling on! Thanks again to all of you and this place where we can recover from our latest harrowing adventures with our N's. Cosmic joke? Yup, I think that's a roger.
God bless,