Hiya Beth:
God or the idea of God or a higher power is so tricky to grasp, I think, for plenty of people. After all, there is no tangible proof that He exists and so belief must be based on faith alone.
Is it possible that your confusion stems from having faith left totally out of the equation? What I mean is....your father totally rejected faith and your mother sounds like she didn't mention it?
Also....God and religions are two different things. God is whatever higher power a person has faith in and religions are man made groups of worship (and some are crooked escapades, others cults, all kinds of creepy stuff too sometimes eh?).
One can have great faith but not be religious, imo.
I used to dislike people intensely who were religious and I thought they were weak.And sometimes I feel that way still.
Maybe this will help you to further define your thought? Do you dislike people who have great faith or do you dislike people who devote themselves to worshipping/are deeply involved in a religion or do you dislike those who try to appear like that's what they're doing--the hypocrite?
Which is truly weakness?
To me, God loves anyone who will accept him/her/it and helps anyone who finds his/her way to being good.
Do you believe in a forgiving God/higher power?
I found this the hardest part for me. To try to understand that God forgives every sinner....no matter how awful the sin......as long as the person is truly sorry and longs for His grace. That means.....Hitler might be forgiven.....Saddam.....My abusers......

Then one thought came along that really helped me.
All sorry souls will be made pure because God forgives.
I truly believe that. Even if a person goes astray and chooses to behave like a complete evil monster....
God is still present and will ......if asked with a sincere heart for forgiveness.....bestow it and purify that person's soul.
I guess.....that's what I really want from Hitler and Suddam and from my abusers anyway. I want them to be accountable....take responsibility for their behaviour....be really, really sorry and to beg God for forgiveness (not me....because I forgive them for selfish reasons....to keep my soul from accumulating resentment and ...hate). I trust that God will find a way to do them justice (and me too) but in the end.....they will be clean and pure and good in their hearts and souls and what more can I wish for? That would make all souls good eh? No more pain. No more evil. (and those who are not sorry.....who mock God and refuse to humble themselves.....I believe God has plans for them too!).
I wish we could truly "live and let live." You know, tell someone what you believe without the intention of converting them.
Ya. I think some people believe they are doing a great service to God by trying to convert others (which will gain God's grace for themselves......so really....it's a bit of a selfish act...although I doubt they admit it). Then, there are those who see a way to gain control and who take advantage and use God/Religions to convert...and eventually.....take power over others. Again, for their own use, which seems more evil.
Then, there are those who see a person suffering and wish to offer some kind of hope.
It's hard to tell which is which sometimes. I believe the first two are the hypocrites that will pay up later....accordingly. And the last one, has good intentions and may actually do some good for some people.
Maybe the way to judge is by how pushy they are? That always makes me wonder what's in it for them.