I am using an affirmation to help me deal with feelings of shame, depression, comparison and impending failure that peck at me over and over, all through the day. I thank God that he is transforming these feelings which come from my deep wounds into joyous activity.
I am determined to move out of the dark, low energy levels and move into functioning, joyous energy. Having realized the traps that I have internalized and perpetuated, I now have affirmations to help me alter the negativity to someting positive.
The double-binds that I uncovered by reading co-narcissism are the very things that have held me down after I did womething well. I cannot get over how bizarre it is to see that all these years I have allowed my parents need to see me fail actually keep me in failure. As I have learned over and over, when I set my mind to make changes the ugly head of that behavior that I seek to change becomes bigger and stronger than ever. But I am confident that this new energy will overcome this dark voice that has pulled me down all these years.
So glad to have a place to share this. Old voice want's me to be afraid but to much positive has happened and is happening. i know I will succeed. - thanks - GS