Thank you all for your responses
Margo, yes it does make sense. I think this is why the no c ontact rule really helps with Ns. It is only when you get away from the confusion you can see what was going on. I had to suffer to the extent I did to understand that it was not ok. My fear was that being alone was worse than being with XN. It is not but I did not know t hat. Well, intelectually I did but the little axa who was in control at the time thought anything was worse than being alone. One of the great insight I have received from being on this board is my own lack of boundaries. I talk the talk but walking the walk is a different matter. REcently XN contacted me and for the first time in my life I set a boundary which was no contact and adheared to it. I looked after myself. It felt strange and uncomfortable, t here was part of me hungry to get back into the fray but I did not react. Feeling like a very good girl as I write this.
There is something in your post that i identify with. It is as if the Ns rationisation becomes contagous. I have found myself making sense of complete nonsense that he fed me.
Another thing I learned on this board is that I am an addiict, addictive to destructive N relationships. I have been reading a book recommended by Hops, I think, about addictive relationships and it about me. I am struggling with this but acknowledge it daily. Interesting that I come from a long line of addicts and always congradulated myself on not being one...........ROSE tinted glasses gone. I am.
Thanks for the 2 cents worth. I KNOW you are right. I struggle with meditating and being with myself so much. I want IT fixed. I am lazy, like the addict, looking for the quick fix. At the moment I am aware of my distracting myself all the time, keeping so busy with some underlying hope that I will get through this time and be rescued. It is a recurring theme for me. Today I will meditate, can you check in on me. Little axa is here kicking and struggling avoiding the bloody paperwork also. I make lists about lists. Growing pains here. I think it is the fundamental difficulty many of us struggle with here: not wanting to take care of our selves, putting others before us with the hopeful pay off that somehow someone else will make it ok. I apologise if I have offended anyone by this statement maybe I should just own it for myself. It is my truth.
Avoiding the inevitable..........what truth you write. Why do we have to stay and suffer so much before the inevitable happens. I knew things were never going to get better. I think I have some sort of machocistic streak in me where I want the suffering......... thoughts... may start a thread on this.
I am sure you are right. Will look up the book...thanks
Very interesting points. I think the bottom line is that I trusted XN who i knew to be crazy rather than I trusted myself. I suppose a sign of some of my growth is that I have distanced myself from some "friends" who I have felt were bullying. The loss is that I do not have fun with them anymore but the gain is that I feel a sense of freedom. Somehow I feel that I am the one who is spoiling the fun by withdrawing from them. But I now realise that I felt like a child around one particular friend and there was never equality in the relationship. I met her recently, she is a real fancy dresser, I am not, had an old shirt on with the collar askew before she said one word to me she started to fix my shirt. I am a middle aged woman.......... keep your hands off me. AHHHHHHHHH
Thanks everyone,