Author Topic: books I'm reading and a quick update  (Read 2596 times)


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Re: books I'm reading and a quick update
« Reply #15 on: February 19, 2007, 09:32:26 PM »

I think the hardest thing I've ever experienced was the disappointment that the people I believed really loved me and cared for me in my past, turned out to eventually leave me and not be who I thought they were.   It's a gradual process, where the people seem to be your bosom buddies and then slowly you see sides of them that you start questioning and wondering about, till the tables turn, and, instead of them talking against someone else badly, YOU are their victim.  I remember just sitting and thinking about why things were turning out that way again for me.  I questioned if I was such a bad person that this could keep happening...then, I began seeing the problem, yet, when I tried to address it with them, I ended up feeling like I was being too sensitive and not forgiving enough, etc, when I knew that my heart was really in the right place from the start.  They leave you feeling totally confused, hurt, betrayed and bewildered, really.  Just remember, unless you are SURE that you did something against someone with cruel intent, as my daughter often says..."it's on THEM."  Forgive, bless them and then do your best to find YOU again and move forward with HOPE of better days ahead.
