Thanks Hops!!! I applied for another job today. And I applied for another one and they loved me but I politely called and declined the second two hour interview - I cannot afford to take a $15,000 a year pay cut...............and work at a cell phone company!! And not even the company that I already have my service with!!! So even though I really want this job, I am continuing my search. But I tell you, if I do not get this job, I am going to take a deep breath and maintain my cool. It would be so like me to have a knee jerk reaction and to take any job just to force the issue. So I will pray and wait and hope that God has something excellent for me....and KNOW that He has something great for me. Whether it is this job or not. Maybe something will happen and my mom will be forced to back off. Who knows? Not I. So I'll just take that deep breath and try, try, try to be calm, cool and collected and thank all of you for hearing me spew for these past three months!!!