I thought I would share a follow-up about an N that I encountered at my previous job with the hypothermia shelter. I think I had previously mentioned this one individual who attempted to follow me around with self-centered, self-absorbed drivel when I attempted to discuss empathy with her.
Well, things finally came to a head when this N locked horns with another N in a public restroom. The N I encountered at work tended to behave as if she is a "Princess" and she decided to lay claim to the public restroom, telling everyone else that it was now her territory and was off-limits to everyone else. The second N "invaded" anyway because she needed to use the facilities. N#1 attempted to block N#2 from entering the restroom and N#2 pushed her out of the way.
N#1 claimed she was "physically assaulted" and demanded that she be allowed to call the police and file a report. By this point, all of the staff had reached their limits because she had plucked everyone's final nerve. The executive director told her, "Before you are allowed to return, you WILL get a psych eval!" She, of course, refused and SHE NEVER CAME BACK!!!!! (Thank God!)
As for N#2, she attempted to manipulate the system on the final night of the program and I told her, "Tough! Either you accept what the program offers, AS-IS, or you get NOTHING!" She got NOTHING and she has no sympathy from me.