Thanks Wildflower and Kelly, I'll take on board your advice.
In some ways I feel lucky that my h has got the guts to go through therapy, since we have to parent together ad infinitum, and he tries very hard believe me, but there's such a gap in his psyche and he keeps dropping back into what Patricia Evans called 'Reality one' too.
( I've noticed that about most men I ever meet- the sexism, the entitlement etc. Makes me wonder if I'll ever have a relationship with a man on the same level I do with women )
What caught my eye about this phrase was the word 'terrible'. It seems like something you don't like about yourself, but I wonder how much of this perfectionism is YOU, and how much was forced on you by your family.
my h has this trait too, and we've both had to adjust our expectations. It does drive you to be successful and caring and capable- but it's terrible because it can be a 'never good enough' scenario, and accompanied by high anxiety and stress, and not enjoying life, working too hard at it.
It was forced on me to be 'good' as a child, and on n h to be 'clever'. Neither of us were allowed to just 'be' as children.
In fact, forty years ago, many children in Britain weren't allowed to find their own level, there was this belief that they would be 'spoiled' if they were 'allowed to get away with things', a throwback from the days of working as servants or in factories, and accepting your lot in life.
Strangely its my health which has finally made me change our circumstances, its like my body just won't tolerate it any more.
I do travel a lot, and have regular opportunities to de-stress, but as I get older it's not enough, nor is the demanding loneliness of a non-reciprocal intimate relationship.