Dear nice friends, nice human beings, it is so nice to have this board. This is not the first time I get nice words and encouragement here. It is very comforting that I can come here and find support. Thank you for your kind words.
It is very difficult to teach high school. Teenagers are very difficult to deal with. Of course there is a majority of students that are very nice and hard workers. But those few that offer so much defiance of authority, consume so much energy, and cause so much stress to the class and to the teacher.
I hope that I can answer to any question they ask in a wise way. Those parents are known for constantly blaming the teacher for the behavior of their children. They do not understand that the student has passed much more time with their parents and family than they spend with the teacher, and that most likely, the behavior they show has been learned at home.
There is no positive reinforcement for teachers. Guess, there is no positive reinforcement for any job. If they keep you, that is your positive reinforcement.
I trust in God that I am doing the right thing. I will know in the next few days if I have any repercussions for trying to educate my students.
Please, pray for me.
If you have any words that I can use in a parent conference, any sentence that can impact the parents, please, tell me. Thank you for your help, and for taking the time to write and to advise.
So, any ideas, any nice vocabulary for a parent conference that I know is going to be upset, and not taking responsibility. I need to use nice words that convey the true with out offending the parent. I need to make them understand that I dislike the behavior but I love the children. I am willing to help. But I cannot spend all my class convincing them that they have to do the work. We can have more profit of our time together if the students do not offer so much resistance.
Thank you friends. God bless you. I usually go to bet at 9:00 PM but cant sleep.