Dear GS,
It does not take special powers, mystical abilities, or an unusual ability to love, in order to experience you as worthwhile and loveable.
I have red flags flapping in my head like sails at this:
Open your heart to me and I will fill you with love. This
will not cost you anything, and will not prevent you from following any path you
choose. I will not demand that you see me exclusively or love only me.
"I will not demand" is a shadow demand. To me, dear GS, this is an unhealthy signal of a personality that is speaking to you, consiciously or not, from a stance of
power over. Despite the fulminating assurances, this is not the voice of your equal.
It is the voice of someone playing the role of a "master", someone who perceives themself as having special knowledge that you do not have. This role is very attractive to some people. Some cultivate it, having confused some spiritual readings with insight into their "special" nature and "special" ability to know what others need.
Please do NOT open your heart to someone who says to you, Open your heart. Please do NOT take instruction from someone who finds it appropriate even to say, to wit:
Oh I won't be controlling. Not me.That's a red flag of projection.
Someone who likes to play this particular role, consciously or not, is often very very attracted to another person who has low self-esteem, struggles with shame, and is desperate for external validation of their worth.
For a time their attention can be extremely sweet. But it can be like lily pads over quicksand. You yearn after the fragrance and before you quite realize it, you're stuck in something that is very hard to climb out of.
Opening your heart is something that comes voluntarily as a gift from one healthy, balanced person to another, if it is going to lead to happiness. It does NOT come from a student-master, or pupil-teacher, or broken-person/"realized" person.
I am not saying this person is bad. I am saying that you are very vulnerable, desperate to get away from the sense of failure that haunts you. And blandishments like that can seem nearly irresistible. Taking your validation from someone who offers such sweets... it could be another way of procrastination. About continuing the hard hard work of learning to validate yourself.
So be careful of this kind of attention, please GS. The attention you need most is your own.