Hi again Axa:
I see what you're saying. Those are good goals.
What I believe is that there are three processes that greatly effect me. One is thinking, another is feeling, and third, behaviour. Ofcourse....thoughts and behaviour are certainly an influence on eachother and I don't know if this is true or not, but I suspect.....feelings have the biggest impact of all on both.
It's what's helped me understand my own stuff....the idea that thoughts greatly effect feelings and feelings , if not thoughts and feeling, often effect behaviour and so the one thing I can do to help me is to pay attention to my thoughts and discard or work on replacing those that are not helping me....which will effect the way I feel and therefore the way I act.
Also, when looking at the past, it has helped me to look at how I acted, then determine what I felt, and if I can possibly remember what I was thinking.........then I might be able to catch similar thoughts in future....redirect them and possibly have an influence on the way I feel and act the next time.
Hope this helps. If not, chuck it to the wind.
