Little time but need to post. I am really struggling again. The childhood issues are popping up to be addressed. I awoke in the wee hours face to face with very painful issues tieing me in knots. Rejection, condemnation, and inadequacy. I know these are surfacing in order to give me a chance to deal with them again.
A dream last night - in a small one room apartment - doll house size - and things in bags spread around - order needs to be made - my first husband is there and I begin to make order. He has a filing cabinet to place. As I move it around - he says NO, No, no to wherever I place it. There are no more spots to place it.
I wake with a start. I know immediately that this is the crazy making that I lived with in my home as a child, and in both my marriages. No matter what I did it was not accepted. That is a nightmarish way to face life. It has marked my entire life. Now i am left to reassemble my life and make it different. I am very, very angry.
I am enraged that my parents raised my in the midst of wealth and them simply abandonded me to nothing without so much as a word. One year out of a state of being of rage I now have come back to being enraged about the abandonment that I experienced. I was abandoned after being made to feel on a deeply, powerfully unconscious level - inadequate. Inadequate to having wealth, inadequate to being included, inadequate to .....
My father has always been misogynistic but he would deny this completely. My mother has had her own misogynistic tendancies developed in order to succomb to my father. The effects on me as the only daughter and youngest of three has been devastating. I am enraged that I am left to pick up all the pieces by myself. I am so incredibly angry.
I am thankful that I can come here and share this in a place that someone might understand and some might have some compassion. There was no room for compassion in my life - only condemnation. I lay in the bed in the wee hours trying to conjure up the image of what true compassionate love would feel llike. I did not get far. I firmly believe that compassionate love is the healing force. I can't quite get to that feeling. I will continue to practise it with my son - that is definitely one path to it.
Thanks for being here - your friend - GS