Author Topic: Mental illness/ verses criminal behavior  (Read 4393 times)


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Mental illness/ verses criminal behavior
« on: March 28, 2007, 12:34:11 PM »
Here is something that I just don't get......I'm wondering if anyone here can relate

I was put on anti depressents a few years ago, these pills (Celexa) made me go completely manic , this in term along with other symptoms got me diagnosed with PTS and Bipolor disorder of the skitsoeffective type (see things and hear things that are not there)

So now I am "exposed" which is just fine, I admit i am ill, and if i ever have an episode i know my hubby will have me commited if i am a threat to self or family ( as it should be), so i am taking responsibility for my own illness.....  I don't want to hurt my family, but i dont burn down houses, or deliberatly hurt people.... comit crimes or do drugs

But here is what i don't get with a few members of my family whom I really beleive has N' traits and sociopath traits..

it is like they can recognise and make coments about other people  " his lights are on but nobodys home", or . "that guy is missing a brick in his foundation" etc.....etc

they don't believe in physciatry period............ or physcologists,  yet they recognise the "symptoms" of mentall ill people

also in terms of criminal activity...... it is like "oh people make mistakes" blah blah..... to them it is just fine to comit crimes and justify it but mental illness way that is a real real bad thing

doesn't make sense to me at all ............ I thought well maybe these family members are speaking from denail*... but their arguments against physciatry , their beliefs have logic to it....


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Re: Mental illness/ verses criminal behavior
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2007, 12:56:29 PM »
Hi poet

I have bipolar .It is a mood disorder not a personality disorder,part of my family accepts and greatly supports me and there are the others that deny this fact or outright mock me for having this disorder.

I live with the rolllercoster ride of this disorder many people do.Moods get really intense .Any one let alone a family member that mocks you for living with this difficult disorder would be an unkind person.
I have experienced bipolar used against me, but my children and hubby do not they are kind and supportive.I would think someone mocking another for living with this kind of mood disorder may be in denial or their cruel actions would reflect on how they view people and the world.I have never had to be hospitalized but have experianced fear and panic mostly .The triggers that produced these feelings have been overcome greatly and understood by me now.

p.s let me say any one that would mock another for their pain it would be their actions that were unkind not the person .Everyone has the oppuntunity to grow and understand .But dealing with ones pain does not depend on others people's reactions to the hurt.That is your own job to do so.I am working hard on this after being hit hard by other's .As long as I can say I am doing all I can for self and kids and hubby to work on this I am being true to self .What others do or say is for each person to
deal with or not.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2007, 01:20:15 PM by moonlight »


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Re: Mental illness/ verses criminal behavior
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2007, 01:13:28 PM »
Thankyou for responding....Moonlight

When were you diagnosed? I've only been diagnosed now for 4 yrs, Although looking back now, I can see where symptoms appeared starting in grade 10, after the death of my sister and mother one year later,  I sort of fell through the cracks, and my father was not well enough to even recognise my symptoms ,

you are blessed to have good support in regards to your illness, my best support comes from friends online, although my children do support me... they just have trouble accepting mental illness


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Re: Mental illness/ verses criminal behavior
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2007, 01:58:09 PM »
Hi Poet ,

I was diagnosed 4 years ago and this explained so much it is a mood disorder everyone has mood swings it is just the pendulum swings are wider with bipolar.
Anti depressants might not be the right choice and with some
bipolar's not be helpful you can check a website called "crazymeds .org" the guy is bipolar and funny and right up to date on meds for bipolar stuff.

Love the name crazy meds takes all the stigma away into laughter.
Bipolar is a mood disorder not a personality disorder.Another site is the"pendulum resources".

love to you

« Last Edit: March 28, 2007, 02:15:53 PM by moonlight »


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Re: Mental illness/ verses criminal behavior
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2007, 02:28:13 PM »
After going manic, my pdoc said I was one of those ones who can not take anti-depressants, so she took me off them, switched me to lithium and seroquel..

I have not taken any medication for 2 yrs now and am stable.... however i do my own self talk therapy , when the moods get bad


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Re: Mental illness/ verses criminal behavior
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2007, 02:45:35 PM »
Poet prose

I did not know you lost your mom and sister ????
I lost my twin brother (we were 27) and soon after my mom .
And  along with childhood trauma my bi polar really was off and running.
I am so sorry to hear of your loss of loved ones...
love to you poet.



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Re: Mental illness/ verses criminal behavior
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2007, 03:01:37 PM »

My personal experience is I have never been  a threat to anyone in a physical way and have no fear of that ever occurring.
With bi-polar 's what would most likely be to be un kind to self or take on the guilt of other family members as one's own .

Most bi-polar people feel they are worthless and only after a lot of therapy reach a point of seeing self worth even a glimmer.
Knowing and understanding childhood trauma has led me to a kinder place within
and has replaced fear with much need calm.

moon kids do not find me too scary tee hee and my hubby thinks I am funny good thing huh


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Re: Mental illness/ verses criminal behavior
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2007, 03:36:03 PM »
Poet prose

I did not know you lost your mom and sister ????
I lost my twin brother (we were 27) and soon after my mom .
And  along with childhood trauma my bi polar really was off and running.
I am so sorry to hear of your loss of loved ones...
love to you poet.


Yeah it has been a rough journey in terms of losses for me,   my sis was 16 when she commited suicide ( I barely remember her now)

My mom died one year later of pancriatic cancer she was 48 yrs old  ( i think my mom died of a broken spirit, but can't prove it)

My dad died 14 yrs ago, he had just retired on his 65th birthday and he died within 3 weeks of his birthday...

I'm sorry your  losses as well......... it is diffcult at times isnt it?

have you been able to come to terms with loss, and what tools helped you ?


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Re: Mental illness/ verses criminal behavior
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2007, 03:53:57 PM »
Poet ,

As far as my twin and mom we were all much a like..... I keep their love in my "heart pocket".
Their love is always with me they knew how dearly beloved they were to me .

For a long time I was so depressed (ten years)
Now I just remember our love for one another and smile and am grateful for the love we shared.



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Re: Mental illness/ verses criminal behavior
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2007, 04:27:38 PM »

Smile :-0

"Heartpocket"  ....  There is a poem in that !


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Re: Mental illness/ verses criminal behavior
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2007, 04:44:58 PM »
Yeah, I know EXACTLY what you're talking about. When my brother committed suicide, the funeral was packed. All these people, relatives and friends, who had not even thought about how much pain he might have been in, never lifted a hand to help him - rich folks, too - came to moon over his ashes. I spoke at the funeral and it was all I could do not to say, "Where the hell were you when he was suffering?" Family members came to console us, esp my mom, but not one person had ever offered any help.

Yet we hear all the time the "bad childhood" excuses, the abuse excuses, etc. for criminals. The only childhood I ever heard of that was worse than mine and my brother's was that of my friend whose father chained him in the backyard like a dog - around the neck - with a chain long enough for him to seek shelter from the weather in a run-down garage. For four years! And none of us ever committed any crimes.

What was your crime?  None.
"An unexamined life is a wasted life."
Time wounds all heels.


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Re: Mental illness/ verses criminal behavior
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2007, 05:20:53 PM »
Moon and Poet,

You know I have written about my n friend her behavior and I believe she is an N to the core.  She lacks empathy and is horrible to her children emotionally. Very self entitled. The typical N things.
BUT, I'm confused now.  She had told me years ago in her early 20's her mom had taken her to a psych where she was diagnosed with Bi Polar and put on meds.  She had met her husband and he talked her off them.  I had known her for the last 12 years up until recently we parted ways.  She is a a hype with doctors, she has had everything (but not really) She self medicates with Perks and Vic. I have seen her go through really (low moods) to really (high moods). The odd thing is they are opposite. When there is really problems (where you can't see in front of you) she's fine. When she should be happy, she's depressed, functional but real low down. You know where you can hardly hear the person talking.  I did notice that always, always in November to Jan she's on a very low point. But her moods switch from today low to 2 weeks like this. Then high for months, then low to high within the same day. She also is very compulsive *shopping* where she financially destroyed herself.  Always has to have food to where it goes bad because you cannot eat that much.
Not one bottle of shampoo maybe 15.
Now the part that confuses me is can she be narcissist and bipolar? 
Does this sound bipolar to you?  When she fought with her mother for attention and validation she would cry to me and talk in a voice of a 5 year old.
So I dont' really know whats going on with her. I would like to be compassionate and support her but she has so much N in her I cut her off.  She is either a very nice person or a very mean person. There is no inbetween. 
So now I'm very confused


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Re: Mental illness/ verses criminal behavior
« Reply #12 on: March 28, 2007, 07:25:17 PM »
Hi ya guys
The answer is bi-polar people are all different!!!!!!Bi-polar is not a personality thingy it is intense mood swings my mood swings took the form of being afraid and fearful, scared sitting in a corner at times paralyzed by fear....
not angry .I have been married 33 years to a very kind person If I were violent scary He would not be around.The other pole for me was depression sad......

Sure I get upset Shopping yeah I have done that.Since being on meds I do not spend money.....On meds My fears have been calmed down...


I had my first fuss with my 14 year old raised my voice I was so upset I did that I went to my nearest church to talk to a priest he said I have never seen a mom so upset they raised their voice to their teenager.
I can not stand the idea of hurting anyone

I do have a situation now where a relationship looks like it can not be healed one I have given my life to try and heal.....The other person seems just not to want to have it.
I am close and protective of my hubby and kids.Simple answer bi-polar is a mood disorder and not personality disorder like nism is..An N is manipulative cold etc none of these things are apart of who I am.

I hope this gives more insight another thing I have been going to shrinks for 20 years I am also am able to say sorry and admit to mistakes n's are always right even when they are wrong.
 ......the meds I take are for bi-polar not like Valium also I am in a support group and individual therapy and working hard I dearly love my friends and girls and hubby and think of their feeling deeply
« Last Edit: March 29, 2007, 05:10:19 PM by moonlight »


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Re: Mental illness/ verses criminal behavior
« Reply #13 on: March 28, 2007, 07:48:52 PM »

Thank you for explaining everything. She does have mood swings but now I think it is all Narcissism. She has every last trait of one and then some. I never heard her say she was sorry unless she said she was sorry for herself.
I was hoping that maybe there was a little light shining through that she could be treated if she was bipolar.
I just think about her kids life with her and wish they could find a miracle drug for N's. And she did have therapy but never stayed for long. 


No I don't feel guilty about breaking the friendship. She was too much to handle when her true colors were showing with the emotional abuse against her children. I could put up with her for years (blow her off when she got on my last nerve) but it got to involved when she was attacking her kids. My temper was going to get uncontrollable and I wanted to kick her ass. I had to back right out and save my self.
I was hoping that I had mistaken her for an N for a moment and if she were bipolar there was some hope for her kids with medication.  But no CB she N to the core. God help her kids.



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Re: Mental illness/ verses criminal behavior
« Reply #14 on: March 28, 2007, 07:50:45 PM »
You know I have written about my n friend her behavior and I believe she is an N to the core.  She lacks empathy and is horrible to her children emotionally. Very self entitled. The typical N things.
BUT, I'm confused now.  She had told me years ago in her early 20's her mom had taken her to a psych where she was diagnosed with Bi Polar and put on meds.  She had met her husband and he talked her off them.  I had known her for the last 12 years up until recently we parted ways.  She is a a hype with doctors, she has had everything (but not really) She self medicates with Perks and Vic. I have seen her go through really (low moods) to really (high moods). The odd thing is they are opposite. When there is really problems (where you can't see in front of you) she's fine. When she should be happy, she's depressed, functional but real low down. You know where you can hardly hear the person talking.  I did notice that always, always in November to Jan she's on a very low point. But her moods switch from today low to 2 weeks like this. Then high for months, then low to high within the same day. She also is very compulsive *shopping* where she financially destroyed herself.  Always has to have food to where it goes bad because you cannot eat that much.
Not one bottle of shampoo maybe 15.
Now the part that confuses me is can she be narcissist and bipolar?  
Does this sound bipolar to you?  When she fought with her mother for attention and validation she would cry to me and talk in a voice of a 5 year old.
So I dont' really know whats going on with her. I would like to be compassionate and support her but she has so much N in her I cut her off.  She is either a very nice person or a very mean person. There is no inbetween.  
So now I'm very confused

Hi Deb here is a link for you to read on the various types of Bipolor disorder

It can be confusing, and i do believe there are misdiagnoses ,

Your friend does exhibit bipolor symptoms ... and I also think she exhibts some Borderline personality Disorder symptoms also kknown as BPD , the way you describe  the self medicating, the abuse to her children,,,,,  ( I don't do those and I have Bipolor 1 )

The shopping sprees are classic with Bipolor disorder type 1, but with me Instead of shopping "manically" buying everything I see, I would play every cd in the house to get my high......  because with mania music sounds better, colors are brighter, food tastes better, olfactual senses are heightened..... everything is sharper , your mind is clearer... and thoughts come and go through your mind so fast you cant keep up  "Mania"......... you get poetry comeing to you, your eggo is flying.... you think you are invincible, but this is only temporary , once the mania is medicated you are stable.... again and the ego is normal ... where as with some personality disorders your eggo doesnt go back to stable..... (I'm just now trying to understand it all myself)*

And it is true that mania is  the high "euphoric" stage and the depressive side of bipolor disorder/ aka manic depression is the complete opposite very low.....mine did not last for weeks and weeks because i was medicated and the medication makes you stable again, so mine only lasted about 2 weeks, also the weather can attribute slightly to this mood disorder

As for the talking like a child .. i think this is more like NPD or BPD

The manic phase of Bipolar I Disorder is often misdiagnosed as Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD).

read here by Sam Vaknin