You know I have written about my n friend her behavior and I believe she is an N to the core. She lacks empathy and is horrible to her children emotionally. Very self entitled. The typical N things.
BUT, I'm confused now. She had told me years ago in her early 20's her mom had taken her to a psych where she was diagnosed with Bi Polar and put on meds. She had met her husband and he talked her off them. I had known her for the last 12 years up until recently we parted ways. She is a a hype with doctors, she has had everything (but not really) She self medicates with Perks and Vic. I have seen her go through really (low moods) to really (high moods). The odd thing is they are opposite. When there is really problems (where you can't see in front of you) she's fine. When she should be happy, she's depressed, functional but real low down. You know where you can hardly hear the person talking. I did notice that always, always in November to Jan she's on a very low point. But her moods switch from today low to 2 weeks like this. Then high for months, then low to high within the same day. She also is very compulsive *shopping* where she financially destroyed herself. Always has to have food to where it goes bad because you cannot eat that much.
Not one bottle of shampoo maybe 15.
Now the part that confuses me is can she be narcissist and bipolar?
Does this sound bipolar to you? When she fought with her mother for attention and validation she would cry to me and talk in a voice of a 5 year old.
So I dont' really know whats going on with her. I would like to be compassionate and support her but she has so much N in her I cut her off. She is either a very nice person or a very mean person. There is no inbetween.
So now I'm very confused
Hi Deb here is a link for you to read on the various types of Bipolor disorder can be confusing, and i do believe there are misdiagnoses ,
Your friend does exhibit bipolor symptoms ... and I also think she exhibts some Borderline personality Disorder symptoms also kknown as BPD , the way you describe the self medicating, the abuse to her children,,,,, ( I don't do those and I have Bipolor 1 )
The shopping sprees are classic with Bipolor disorder type 1, but with me Instead of shopping "manically" buying everything I see, I would play every cd in the house to get my high...... because with mania music sounds better, colors are brighter, food tastes better, olfactual senses are heightened..... everything is sharper , your mind is clearer... and thoughts come and go through your mind so fast you cant keep up "Mania"......... you get poetry comeing to you, your eggo is flying.... you think you are invincible, but this is only temporary , once the mania is medicated you are stable.... again and the ego is normal ... where as with some personality disorders your eggo doesnt go back to stable..... (I'm just now trying to understand it all myself)*
And it is true that mania is the high "euphoric" stage and the depressive side of bipolor disorder/ aka manic depression is the complete opposite very low.....mine did not last for weeks and weeks because i was medicated and the medication makes you stable again, so mine only lasted about 2 weeks, also the weather can attribute slightly to this mood disorder
As for the talking like a child .. i think this is more like NPD or BPD
The manic phase of Bipolar I Disorder is often misdiagnosed as Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD).
read here by Sam Vaknin