Oh Sally, I find myself wanting to say to you that he cared about you in his own way but I'm not sure if that's just because I want you to feel better and I want to stop your pain!!! Things get so very complicated.
You are bereaved. You are experiencing loss. It's a loss you've put off for a long time in the hope it would all work out. You've worked on yourself big time just to avoid that loss.
It's very hard to sit here and not reach out with solutions and thoughts and support but I think that's my need and not yours.
So I'm trying to come from a different place right now.
If you worked on yourself 'for' someone else then I can see that it must seem that it was totally pointless. You've done far more work than you ever need have done!!!!!
But, what if 'whoever comes, God sent' (or 'we, ourselves, invited them for a purpose')... maybe this guy came to make you into what you are today. Maybe you wouldn't have done all that work without him? And I can tell from your posts how sound you are now. Maybe you wouldn't have done it FOR yourself - ???
But, boy, that would make me feel so resentful!! LOL
It's reminding me of the one person who came into my life who I felt should never have come. Everyone else, yes, I invited them in, even if the relationship hurt me. I could learn from them. But this one...
I ended up very, very confused and there are negatives from that experience that live on in my life still. BUT if I hadn't had that experience, lots of other things wouldn't have happened either.
And the biggest thing I learnt is that it's possible to build when all you've got left is a big fat zero - when you've lost absolutely everything - all you do is take a single step...
The only concern I've had in believing that fate has a purpose for us, is 'what if it's a negative one'!!! But since I came to understand that we attract our own fate and that it is possible to trust ourselves to attract a positive fate, things have become much easier.
What do you want next, Sally? People are always so busy defining us - now it's our turn to define what WE want!

Life begins whenever you want it to - and that's not a platitude - but I know I haven't quite reached the point where I'm ready to redefine my future just yet and I seem to be relating very much to exactly where you are on your journey.
Hey, you can take all this with a pinch of salt, if you want - but just know that it takes time to work through a loss, even if nobody died.
Say, haven't we also lost something else?? Our definition of ourselves in relation to someone else??? That's worth grieving over, too. But hey - what a great new definition you can make for yourself NOT in relation to someone like THAT!!!! Gosh - this is a whole new ballgame!!!!!