PS Iz, you're gonna have a hard time convincing me that you failed life!
Well TT, I love the fact we are in the same age group, cause anyone in their early 40s is another generation. Did you ever live with no electricity, no phone, a two-holer outhouse, complete with Sears catalogue, and a battery radio?
Them were the days--the days of anal parents and lies! Then in '47, I was 8 and we moved to another farm with all the amenities.
I was afraid of the telephone and hydro (all the switches and outlets)
I think I was the super-sensitive kid of the bunch who took everything to heart, and too seriously, and believed that I still knew nothing.
I had to ask you to explain something that I took for granted and
"having at least one thing in common" seems so simple, but then I seem to have a different point of view although not dangerous............I hope!
Hey HopsI was writing as you posted. You were lost too? Well I feel better except that would mean you failed life too!!
OMG Why wasn't life easy??????????????????????????????????love