Author Topic: How Does One Go About Finding The Right Social Fit?  (Read 5479 times)


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How Does One Go About Finding The Right Social Fit?
« on: March 31, 2007, 04:25:37 PM »

Hello everyone,

Last night, I was invited to the home of an acquaintance (actually this is a case where I almost say friend rather than acquaintance) for dinner.  I knew all but one of the four other people.  One arrived after the meal to have wine and chit chat since they had been to a day long meeting a hundred or so miles away and had already eaten.  The menu was roast lamb, some fussied up red potatoes with French herbs and wilted spinach, all served in a beautiful dining room on lovely china.  By my guage,  the stage was set for a fun evening with the special effects being the exquisite food served in beautiful surroundings.   

Cast of characters:

Host:  Successful decorator with an expansive client base in at least two states.  A little reclusive in personal life.  Prefers being the magnet that draws others.  I wouldn't classify this person as magnanimous, however.
Person I'd never met:  From what I gather, old south money (and let me tell you, there is a BIG difference in old south money and any other kind), classic education,  used self-identifier "I have  a math background" early on in conversation. 
Most known to me of the four:  Young, smart, sales, extrovert,  high energy, narcissistic leanings of which she is aware,  highly motivated to be  all she can be physically (aerobics instructor for fun) mentally and spiritually.
Late arriver:   Special Ed teacher.  Gifted comic.  Everything, even the most serious subjects are given a comical twist.  Sucks up all the oxygen upon arrival. Won't shut up and got drunk. 
Me:  Introverted, overly intense and serious, dry humor occasionally,  don't do much socially, but definitely not a social phobe.  Very protective of those who can't protect themselves.  That may translate to identifying with the underdog.  Judicious with my twenty four hours a day.

I don't like leaving a social occasion feeling like my brain hurts the way my feet would if I wore four inch, pointy toed shoes walking on broken pavement for three hours (which I dont).  And that's how I feel most of the time when I leave strictly social occasions.    In a way, I think the evening would have made for good theatre, here today and gone tomorrow.  Maybe the part that doesn't fit me is that I feel I must contribute something of substance to the mix, when in reality I would have more fun sitting back and viewing it as theatre where one of the actors might dip into the audience and use me as a prop in his act.  I didn't think I had my panties in a wad over this, but it must have been pretty heavy on my mind for I woke up in the wee hours telling myself, You know teartracks, you only have to do two things right in this life.  Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.   And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 

Hence, my subject line, How does one go about finding the right social fit?


« Last Edit: April 01, 2007, 04:26:29 PM by teartracks »


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Re: How Does One Go About Finding The Right Social Fit?
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2007, 05:48:53 PM »
MMmm, interesting question, tt.

We are all different in what we're comfortable with. Me? I am an introvert. I get drained by being around people. So I have very selective dinner parties/ get togethers with a very select few, and then shoo them out the door before I get a headache. I usually have a lot of fun as long as it's short and sweet.

Others, get energized being around people. But I'm the opposite.

I read, get out the violin, get in a bubbly bath to get energy.

we all have our different needs in this regard!

I think the TV sitcom "Friends" puts forth a fairy tale existence of a group of people who like each other  and spend alot of time together - I don't see that as real life.

"All things not at peace will cry out." Han Yun

"He who angers you conquers you." - Elizabeth Kenny

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Re: How Does One Go About Finding The Right Social Fit?
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2007, 07:17:48 PM »
TT - I think you got it - I would have more fun sitting back and viewing it as theatre where one of the actors might dip into the audience and use me as a prop in his act. I think doing this is "being yourself" and that it not only would be more comfortable for you but also would work well for those around you.  I think you would find that your humor would come out more easily, that is to say more flowing.   For myself, when I have felt I had  to contribute something of substance to the mix then what I offered never felt exactly right and left me with a sense of discomfit that might cause me to wake in the night and wonder and reach for calming purpose.

In spite of the dark side of some of the cast of characters it sounds like the dinner was fun - was it?


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Re: How Does One Go About Finding The Right Social Fit?
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2007, 07:21:45 PM »
Yummy..... I love Roast lamb, with a little mint jelly, shared on a diner plate with fussied red roasted potatoes, ....

I just don't like "fussied" up conversations that sometime accompany those types of diner parties.......   but then again, sometimes these light pretentious chit chats, can lift me, elevate me to a lighter frame of mind...... so that is a good thing ( sorry Martha)

If I am comfortable mentally, spiritually, emotionally in my skin and most* times I am at home in my own skin, I can fit in anywhere... but there have been times when i am not standing on solid ground at all......... and nothing seems to make me feel like i fit in anywhere...... 

did you enjoy the conversation the company?

« Last Edit: March 31, 2007, 07:26:00 PM by poetprose »


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Re: How Does One Go About Finding The Right Social Fit?
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2007, 09:08:23 PM »
Hey, I reckon the Freinds scenario can exist but probably not with that many people, Ive got 3 extremely close freinds I can joke about with as in friends and also trust implictly, its just a shame it took me 10 or so years to weed out the N's from the larger extended group. I have to say that fitting in socially is not for everyone and sometimes we all need to be alone and if you wake up in the night worrying about it then perhaps these people arent for you. You sound to nice to have an N and a self obsessed comic as your social group, or perhaps thats just me being too judgemental again as I do, doh! Friends are friends but sometimes they arent if that makes sense, you need to get out there and find some people you get on with better and when you do can you pass their number on to me too lol, you cant have enough good people in your life and whats saying? if you have 5 or more close friends then your are a very rich person.

Peace to all


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Re: How Does One Go About Finding The Right Social Fit?
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2007, 10:20:54 PM »

Hi dandylife, GS, poet, & James,

Did I enjoy the dinner?  Honestly, I don't think that I enjoyed it.  GS  helped me see that  I gave my own answer without realizing it in my original post. Maybe the part that doesn't fit me is that I feel I must contribute something of substance to the mix, when in reality I would have more fun sitting back and viewing it as theatre where one of the actors might dip into the audience and use me as a prop in his act.

James, you are right, it is the 'core group' of friends where the give and take seems more balanced.  I used to have that before I moved to a new town.  I miss being able to get my best friends together spontaneously.  Guess I have my work cut out for me...

Poet, the food was exquisite.  Martha, eat your heart out.

dandylife, it's true, we're not one size fits all, are we?

Thanks all 8) 8) 8)



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Re: How Does One Go About Finding The Right Social Fit?
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2007, 10:23:13 PM »

After my wonderful retreat with the women last night, it's hard to think a dinner party is a test of your "substance". Hell, if I had a party I'd invite everybody I like and if a few are introverts who want to sit back and soak it up that's fine with me because I invite them because I like them for who they ARE.

That said, I think a good way to find your social fit is to do things with other people that make you smile. Things you LIKE to do, where everyone is making the effort together to make something good or beautiful. So...whatever your joy or talent is, just follow that to people who enjoy the same thing.

Choirs form bonds, and celebrate after.
Habitat volunteers the same.
Artists paint murals.
Gardeners join ranks to make urban green spots in poor neighborhoods.
Animal lovers volunteer together and trade dog stories.
Theater buffs do all those great roles behind the scenes.

Etc etc.

What would be your pleasure...that others also do in company?

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: How Does One Go About Finding The Right Social Fit?
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2007, 11:52:18 PM »


This one really, really appeals to me.   :) 8) :) 8)

Gardeners join ranks to make urban green spots in poor neighborhoods.



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Re: How Does One Go About Finding The Right Social Fit?
« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2007, 12:05:59 AM »
I like to think that a gathering of people would have at least one thing in common.

I don't socialize, but when my phone rings, I know it is a telemarketer or someone with a computer. (exaggeration)

I spent 4 years going out to homes of senior women learning the computer and most have reached a point that they only need a quick answer, but we still chat about what they have learned.

I still like to think that a gathering of people would have at least one thing in common.



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Re: How Does One Go About Finding The Right Social Fit?
« Reply #9 on: April 01, 2007, 12:14:13 AM »


One thing in common?  I'm going to think about this and when I figure it out, I'll let you know.  The answer will be new news to me too.



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Re: How Does One Go About Finding The Right Social Fit?
« Reply #10 on: April 01, 2007, 01:05:12 AM »
Hi TT,
Don't know what urban area you're in, but I bet this organization has links to others:

Rodale Press, which founded Organic Gardening magazine, also sponsors these efforts...there are many more organizations, some political, some just gaggles of altruistic gardeners...

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: How Does One Go About Finding The Right Social Fit?
« Reply #11 on: April 01, 2007, 02:30:50 PM »
I am social because I go out, that is, went out, to work, instructing on computers? Is that what you meant? Well it could be taken that way, but has ceased: but we did have one common interest, the computer.

In day of yore, socializing was card games, Scrabble, dancing, eating and drinking, just talking as we were with family or friends.

Now I can do everything on the computer except eat and drink, can't dance anyway, and might or might not see a workmate in my hour at the office on Wednesdays. I go to therapy. My phone rings about work or computers.

No! I am not social. I saw a woman I know, at the Drugtore last week, who noticed me first and called out. I said quietly Damn! Now I'm going to be held up with a bunch of whining.--then I turned around, smiled, said "hi" brightly and brilliantly (she even said I looked good and that my eyes were sparkling) listened to her whine, then said "I really must get my prescriptions filled and back home to work",  and off I went to free myself of a 'claustrophobic feeling'--as well as the feeling she might ask to borrow money!

 :shock: :shock: :shock:


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Re: How Does One Go About Finding The Right Social Fit?
« Reply #12 on: April 01, 2007, 04:03:01 PM »

Hi Iz,

I have one.  Don't like it.   :shock:

Superficial Christians...  for heaven's sake!

Maybe that's why I woke up in the wee hours speaking to myself that Bible directive.  Interesting. :(


PS  I know there are more but I don't know if they are worth searching out.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2007, 04:06:50 PM by teartracks »


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Re: How Does One Go About Finding The Right Social Fit?
« Reply #13 on: April 01, 2007, 04:11:25 PM »

~  ditto  ~    Izzy and TT

Superficial and Shallow anyone.

My message to them is this PLEASE have the courage to "Let your Yes be Yes" and "your No be No"

I thank you  :)


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Re: How Does One Go About Finding The Right Social Fit?
« Reply #14 on: April 01, 2007, 04:19:20 PM »


I like your comparison of rearranging life to adolescence. 

Thanks for the links.  I'll certainly check them out.

Iz is clever isn't she.  I don't think I would have ever thought to analyze along those lines.  But I WILL in the future.  Thanks Iz. With one recent exception (*an Oscar party), Edit in:  Now I'm thinking what a contrast between the two evenings.  One would expect the Oscar party to be blatantly superficial and the Friday evening dinner party to have substance.  I think I'm all mixed up! I almost always leave social events with the same feeling I had Friday evening.  It simply was a waste of time.  Don't know if that is a fault of mine, that I have unreasonable expectations or what.  I figure that while I'm trying to straighten out my thinking in other areas, I might as well work on this one along the way.   I knew I'd get good input here on the ole board. :)


« Last Edit: April 01, 2007, 04:54:36 PM by teartracks »