Author Topic: Happy Easter to my newly discovered friends!!!!  (Read 3537 times)


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Happy Easter to my newly discovered friends!!!!
« on: April 07, 2007, 12:15:11 PM »
Happy Easter.....   :lol:

Blessings to all of you!
I hope you have a nice peaceful and thankful Easter weekend...

I'm cooking a turkey tomorrow and celebrating my sons 24th birthday as well... it will be fairly quiet weekend , in that I won't wear myself out in the kitchen cooking for 12 or 13 ( and I am not complaining ) it is kind of nice for a change to keep it small...



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Re: Happy Easter to my newly discovered friends!!!!
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2007, 01:07:37 PM »
Hey Poet-

   Turkey instead of Easter ham- Sounds pretty good to me...

    Bet your son will love his mom's cooking for his BD !


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Re: Happy Easter to my newly discovered friends!!!!
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2007, 01:11:45 PM »
Hey Poet happy easter to you too! Have a good one all!  :D
Best wishes


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Re: Happy Easter to my newly discovered friends!!!!
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2007, 01:35:55 PM »
Happy Easter to all my new-found friends too!  Blessings to all and your families too!

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Re: Happy Easter to my newly discovered friends!!!!
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2007, 03:50:24 PM »
Happy Easter to you all.  It is one of my favorite holidays but this year especially because I am feeling resurrected out of the grave.  To day was an up day on my seesaw, a very up day.


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Re: Happy Easter to my newly discovered friends!!!!
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2007, 04:00:15 PM »
Hi all

Happy Easter.

I don't like to throw a damper on holidays, but since I lost myself, I have lost enthusiasm for, or more to the point, any interest in ALL Holidays. I think it is awful. When I write cheques to the kids, it is automatic, without spirit!

As well I haven't voted in 16 years. Seems I treat myself as a non-person?

They mainly are to me a nuisance because stores and banks close. My Therapist has her work cut out for her in guiding me and I do too in whatever I have to do.



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Re: Happy Easter to my newly discovered friends!!!!
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2007, 06:32:36 PM »


And finding inner peace...

love to all ,



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Re: Happy Easter to my newly discovered friends!!!!
« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2007, 07:55:42 PM »
Izzy, you may be lost but at least you know you are lost when Im sure about 50% of the population dont know they are lost (which was me for many years) or dont care that they are lost which is pretty scary and sad in itself. To know you are lost means you are on the path to being found, is it too late? It is never too late !
Wishing you a happier holiday


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Re: Happy Easter to my newly discovered friends!!!!
« Reply #8 on: April 07, 2007, 08:19:35 PM »
Hidyho James

I am happy you found me!

I understand what you are saying because I was one of those "lost but not knowing it" people for sooooo long I'm being negative here...................what if I cannot be found after 68 (at the end of the month) years of being lost and accustomed to it. Get my drift?

Am I so set it my ways? Are my thoughts so ingrained? ................that change is gonna blow my  head off? (rhetorical)

My motivator has mainly been will I resist? (rhetorical)

I don't plan to be obtuse in any way. I am looking for, and I might find, me barefoot in a frog pond with the mud squishing between my toes, over 60 years ago.

Without self-pity, since I have no feelings, I can say that I was dealt a dirty hand and there are people out there who owe me an explanation.  It will never happen, but that thought goes through my mind!

I am supposedly intelligent yet some thoughts are so 'out of this world'  :shock:   :shock:  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:




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Re: Happy Easter to my newly discovered friends!!!!
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2007, 07:12:01 AM »
Hey Izz, the sheer fact that you are looking to find yourself means that you have done the hard part of realising that your thought processes are out of whack preventing your own happiness, the final stage we are both now undertaking is the understanding of these thought processes and how we can find the ones which need to be corrected and then correct them. Maybe the answer, and I think I should take my own advice here  :D , is that when we feel down or angry or feel any kind of negative emotion we should write down what emotion we feel and then why we feel that emotion, this could also be done by thought alone but to grasp such tenuous and flighty thoughts is difficult so writing them down would I think be much more constructive. Then we should look back at them and find exactly why we are feeling the way we feel and then perhaps ask others to help us explain them and to help us to counteract these negative thoughts that seek to pull us down. I believe most of my negative thoughts are when Ive been embrassed and shamed in public and when I have these thoughts I suddenly feel depressed and anxious, and I normally get them when im trying to relax in the bath or im sitting down for a rest, but rather than let them make me depressed as before I am beginning to stop myself from accepting these learnt negative thought processes and to think about them and tell myself that there was no need to be ashamed and if I was wrong I was wrong that was in the past and if I was right then the other person making me feel bad was in the wrong and not me. I can then relax again and stay happy knowing I will try not to be wrong in the future and that I will try hard not to let people wrong me also. It seems to be working quite well and in a relatively short space of time, a few weeks even! This is how I have sorted myself out recently and how I uncovered latent thoughts that needed to be addressed. To be honest I never felt Id be happy again 6 months ago and now I am on my way back to being as happy as I have ever been as I have confronted my fears and am now dealing with my anger and it helps speaking to all you guys immensely. You say that your main  motivator has been fear and that is the first issue you should tackle head on, when you get a fearful thought pause and write it down and then analyse it at a later date and then you can draw up a plan to counteract it next time you have that thought.

When you say you have no feelings do you really mean that you are afraid of your feelings so prefer to suppress them? (I'd just like to say at this point im no psychologist and Im just going on gut instinct here so bear with me  :? and tell me to sod off if im out of line  :D ) So you say you've been dealt a dirty hand and I wont argue with you on that score as you know what youve been through but you say you are acting without self pity but I disagree as that thought that youve been dealt a dirty hand says that you are holding a grudge with others and life in general so in fact you are being self pitying and to being cruel to be kind its time to snap out of it and move on. I know from personal experience that self pity is a lovely thing to hang onto so that we dont have to face our own fears and it will definitely not help you be happy. Its time to get selfish with yourself and demand happiness and to stuff any self pity, self hatred and fear in the bin and get back to your roots. This may sound harsh but if you are to be happy again you have to get tough with yourself and to bring back your happiness you must make it your all consuming and selfish goal. Its time to start making yourself happy and sod everyone else, sod your fear and sod everything, your happiness is what matters and you need to grab it back. And as to being 68 this month, well have you heard the sixties are the new 40's right? and the seventies, well I cant wait till my seventies its supposed to rock!   :D  Life is life and we are all here for the ride and we will all live and die, but the true beauty of life is to be genuinely happy with yourself so whether your 40 years old, 68 years old or 120 years old its never to late to enjoy the good stuff that is true happiness.

I am also supposedly intelligent, good at tests and the like but intelligence is not the be all and end all, intelligence helps us to rationalise and perhaps assess ourselves better than other supposedly less intelligent people but this intelligence does not make us wise and wise people will be happy, generally speaking of course. We need to use our intelligence to become wise and to let go of the complicated issues and irrational thoughts that we barrage our minds with and to enjoy the simplicity of life that will bring us joy.

I hope i havent been to critical or judgemental and I apologise if I have upset you with any of my words but thats just how I feel about things
Love ya


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Re: Happy Easter to my newly discovered friends!!!!
« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2007, 10:20:04 AM »

Easter blessings to you all, my dear friends.

"Thank you"

Love, Leah xx
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Re: Happy Easter to my newly discovered friends!!!!
« Reply #11 on: April 08, 2007, 10:57:01 AM »
Happy Easter to you, too, poetprose. May we all emerge from the Valley of the Shadow, whatever our personal shadows may be...
The only way out is through, and the only way to win is not to play.

"... truth is all I can stand to live with." -- Moonlight52


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Re: Happy Easter to my newly discovered friends!!!!
« Reply #12 on: April 08, 2007, 04:19:08 PM »
Hi James

This is Take Two, as I had so many programs open, I lost my other message to you. Yet I figure that if that happens, I have been over-talking, over-explaining, and in a way I believe that phrase,”Do not say you are sorry and do not explain

No you said nothing to upset me, and yes I am trying to discover who I really am.

When I write something, I often feel that ½ of it is left in my head and the ½ on paper is gibberish.

I, too, thought about writing things down but I chose the good things, the happy moment in time, so I could reflect on that. (I wrote a song about that.)

I have no feelings. Period. When I write something, it is as though I am writing about another person. It is very weird to feel this way. I have to use the word feel, as I feel as though I am unreal, non-existent, a non-person, a person who was cheated from becoming a real person, but it feels like I am writing a book of fiction—who would believe?

I think about the sensibility of spending all this money on a therapist, IOW, my daughter’s inheritance, and I have no decision one way or the other. In 10 years I could be a real person who dies and what was the point?

Am I sounding logical, philosophical, or insane?
IQ = 135+……EQ (emotional Quotient) = 0………..

The Edge Of Tomorrow
© Izzy
Once again it's The Edge Of Tomorrow.
With a prayer I'll say farewell to the day
And ask for strength to accept the joys or sorrows
That await just a sleep and dream away.
May I live to see another dawning
And have another chance to be kind.
Not a thing can be changed for the wanting
From this day I'm about to leave behind.

Standing on the Edge Of Tomorrow,
Knowing it will never arrive.
One tick of the clock and this'll be yesterday.
And gone for the rest of my life.

While I sleep I know the fates are working
To set the stage for what may lay in store.
With the dawn I could face a pile of hurting
Or my life may up and onward soar.
Can't expect nothing back than what I'm giving.
Happy is just a moment in time.
Disappointments are just a part of living,
Often hard to leave behind.

Old souls will take the final journey.
New souls will begin with a cry.
Deep in my heart there's a yearning
To know what lay out of sight, while---

Standing on the Edge Of Tomorrow,
Knowing it'll never arrive.
One tick of the clock and this'll be yesterday.
And gone for the rest of my life.



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Re: Happy Easter to my newly discovered friends!!!!
« Reply #13 on: April 08, 2007, 09:50:46 PM »
Wishing everyone a Happy Easter


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Re: Happy Easter to my newly discovered friends!!!!
« Reply #14 on: April 08, 2007, 09:55:59 PM »
Happy Easter.

Ex cooked roast beef but we were supposed to do it later, have a relaxed family day. He called and said 'it's ready!' so I didn't get to do anything.

I slept all afternoon, I need it.

Hope everyone else had an okay day if not a fantastic day.

(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))