Hi James
This is Take Two, as I had so many programs open, I lost my other message to you. Yet I figure that if that happens, I have been over-talking, over-explaining, and in a way I believe that phrase,”Do not say you are sorry and do not explain”
No you said nothing to upset me, and yes I am trying to discover who I really am.
When I write something, I often feel that ½ of it is left in my head and the ½ on paper is gibberish.
I, too, thought about writing things down but I chose the good things, the happy moment in time, so I could reflect on that. (I wrote a song about that.)
I have no feelings. Period. When I write something, it is as though I am writing about another person. It is very weird to feel this way. I have to use the word feel, as I feel as though I am unreal, non-existent, a non-person, a person who was cheated from becoming a real person, but it feels like I am writing a book of fiction—who would believe?
I think about the sensibility of spending all this money on a therapist, IOW, my daughter’s inheritance, and I have no decision one way or the other. In 10 years I could be a real person who dies and what was the point?
Am I sounding logical, philosophical, or insane?
IQ = 135+……EQ (emotional Quotient) = 0………..
The Edge Of Tomorrow
© Izzy
Once again it's The Edge Of Tomorrow.
With a prayer I'll say farewell to the day
And ask for strength to accept the joys or sorrows
That await just a sleep and dream away.
May I live to see another dawning
And have another chance to be kind.
Not a thing can be changed for the wanting
From this day I'm about to leave behind.
Standing on the Edge Of Tomorrow,
Knowing it will never arrive.
One tick of the clock and this'll be yesterday.
And gone for the rest of my life.
While I sleep I know the fates are working
To set the stage for what may lay in store.
With the dawn I could face a pile of hurting
Or my life may up and onward soar.
Can't expect nothing back than what I'm giving.
Happy is just a moment in time.
Disappointments are just a part of living,
Often hard to leave behind.
Old souls will take the final journey.
New souls will begin with a cry.
Deep in my heart there's a yearning
To know what lay out of sight, while---
Standing on the Edge Of Tomorrow,
Knowing it'll never arrive.
One tick of the clock and this'll be yesterday.
And gone for the rest of my life.