Hi Margo,
Sometimes things appear so simple, but are not.
I didn’t know about NsHe owned her from when they met, she 19, he 31.
Whatever she said about me, owned my own house, won a civil suit for the car accident that disabled me, it wasn’t long before he had turned her against me. Me lose my daughter? No way. Unspoken blackmail to receive loans.
Before they were even married he borrowed $15,000.00. You can imagine how afraid I was of losing her if I didn’t comply. It was implied in his words and in her actions.
Ns have a sense of entitlement—as he did to my money, my daughter—married 1984-estrangement time in 1991 and I still never learned to like him. Daughter was different from first meeting him—“defiant?”
I was sitting the grandson from birth to age 4˝, and granddaughter born 2 years later., so was 2 when he kicked me out.
We all know Ns:
I asked her not to marry him and she did and
(conjecture) now she was isolated from having friends, she felt trapped with the wee ones, must obey him, might have been threatened, as
(not conjecture) he threatened me with the shotgun if I set foot again on his property.
Then she has a third child I (1992) never knew. They are 20, 18, almost 15 now.
As much as I have been a ‘voiceless' person all my life, I was more voiceless over this, and this just really
did me in.
She left him in 1994 and divorced him in 1996.
Who was right about not marrying him, about his only wanting my money—now
owed me $55,000.00 and I sued. Doesn't matter who was right or wrong, it what happened to all of us because of his emotional abuse to all of us. His daughter hates him.
He has the eldest son who is showing N traits. She and the other two are in therapy along with her. She works hard in her business and tries to raise the children right. The girl is okay in school the 15 year old is now on probation with his mother. The eldest dropped out after finishing high school, is a dishwasher.
Her actions hurt me so badly that I cannot feel anymore. His actions must have hurt her badly, as well as her own actions. There is much to sort out.
Then I end up with an N of my own, for 4 years--sure was vilnerable to one-- that
did me in even further.
I am in therapy—do you wonder why? No? I'll tell you--re-read the post
