Author Topic: Anger  (Read 5477 times)


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Re: Anger
« Reply #30 on: April 08, 2007, 06:59:56 PM »

Hi Iz,

Every memory has a photograph.

Say, was there a point when your collection of memories became still photos as opposed to moving photos with detailed memories.   I've wrestled with having lived a life almost devoid of memories particularly through adolescence.  Hoping you can shed some light.



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Re: Anger
« Reply #31 on: April 08, 2007, 07:41:28 PM »

I think they have always been still photographs.

I have a memory of the 3 eldest girls sitting on a tree limb and bouncing up and down, but we are not moving. I was the youngest of the three and did not have a good hand hold, just a knot on the tree limb. My photograph is of my little handds hanging on for dear life to this knot.

At the same time, I can envision what someone else would see to come across that sight and I am still hanging on for dear life and the other two have great hand holds, and I have a still photograph of us up high and another of us doen low.

Nothing moves.

My visions/phographs are as though I took them--only my hands and arms appear....not all of me.

Make any sense?


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Re: Anger
« Reply #32 on: April 08, 2007, 07:57:24 PM »


Interesting.  You seem to have a similar experience to mine except you have a lot of still pictures.  I have a few.  You have stories in your head of events.  I have almost none.  If I were an old motel, the Vacancy light would be flashing!  You (and others) may have already gathered that! :lol:

Make any sense?

I can't say I've given up trying to make sense of how I processed the goings on of my life, but I'm a bit calmer about it.  Not quite so frantic to understand it all.  If any of it were going to kill me, it would have happened seven years ago when I chose the path of recovery, so the pressure is off.

Thanks for sharing.



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Re: Anger
« Reply #33 on: April 08, 2007, 08:05:41 PM »
I could add that most of my 'photographs' are of times when I was getting the short end of the stick.

I don't remember anything happy! Maybe your memories (non-memories) are happy ones?

Yep, heading fot the Motel now :lol:



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Re: Anger
« Reply #34 on: April 08, 2007, 08:11:34 PM »
When I was very young I have flashes of memories.  My whole life I have chalked it up to being little and not being able to remember.  But part of me now thinks it must have been scary for me and so I blocked out some of my life.  I think I was full of life and might have been hard to tame so I think I got spankings and lots of intimidation.  My dad did the spanking but I do not resent him.  His were usually just punishment-mom was usually more rage motivated!

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: Anger
« Reply #35 on: April 11, 2007, 03:23:20 AM »
My anger is strongly linked with a sense of a kid I want to stomp my feet and shout "its not fair"  Of course its not fair but its how it is and accepting that the world is full of injustice is something I struggle with.........oops here comes Pollyanna again!

Since I left Xn I meet myself in a joyful place often and love the adventure of this but hate when I feel the anger.  I can see that I am moving on but the thought of meeting another man sends shivers down my spine.  I lack boundaries, am too forgiving and am still caught up in the fantasy of if I am nice to someone they will be nice to me.

I find myself moving away from a lot of people.  I am aware that I often end up in friendships/relationships with bullies where I go into passive mode.......... this is where I need to channel my energy.  Its as if I have some attraction to them.  I want to break this cycle but its hard hard work.


sea storm

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Re: Anger
« Reply #36 on: April 11, 2007, 04:10:33 AM »
There is so much here to think about.

I had a club at school with the kids who had problems with anger. They would act out a lot and get themselves in trouble. It doesn't help that most teachers are not trained to identify the signs of abuse in children.
I would ask the kids to describe how much anger they had inside themselves. A lot of them described having so much anger that it could not be contained in the whole world.  They would be so happy to get the anger down to manageable levels so that it wasn't creating so  many problems for them.

As the weeks went on and I heard the stories there was so much bottled up in the kids ... anger, fear, disappointment, sadness, resentment etc.  The problem seemed to revolve around anger and not being able to make it smaller or make it go away.  And so they felt really powerless against this huge huge monster of anger. It was  controlling their lives. I can see it is controlling my life too, both then and now.

I watched as the kids learned to be assertive and to recognize their feelings and set boundaries. We built a volcanoe and watched it explode. Everyone could relate to that. We blew up balloons and let them go into the stratusfere taking our anger with it.

As the weeks went by I began to see that the anger was keeping these kids alive and sane. They were living in such aweful no win situations that I thought they were frigging marvelous for just surviving. No wonder they had so much anger. It was just the right ammount of anger for the situation. Getting at the feelings beneath the anger was where the gold was. This little group of boys under the age of ten was incredibly dear. They were hellions in the world outside but they were as astute as anyone on this board about the complexity of experience and the pathos of life.
I think every feeling is very important. Anger is best befriended and not driven underground like an unwelcome intruder.
Big anger is there for a reason. And it will sit in our hearts until we transform it or disapates.
If anything I think this group of people is so nice that we dont' listen enough to our anger and what it is telling us. All those red flags.
Anger can go awry and violence isn't advisable.
Basically, i think we live in an emotional dark age where feeling which are fabulous and like the colours of the rainbow or like the clouds in the sky are pretty much underexplored and ignored. Feelings are like Beethoven
s Fifth.
Anger is like the crumbs that led the orphans out of the witches clutches and through the forest back to safety.

Late night thoughts from Sea storm


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Re: Anger
« Reply #37 on: April 11, 2007, 07:21:56 AM »
Happiness is the BEST revenge.  Without a doubt and most of the time I feel quite happy in myself.  I get angry that I waste energy around thoughts about XN.  Funny thing is that if he is "happy" I dont really care.  I feel quite detached from him in so many ways but the bloody anger keeps resurfacing.  i agree with Sea it was the anger that got me out and saved me but I want to let it go now.  I am so anxious to move on.  I am not discounting the ways I have moved on.  100% clear that he was nothing other than evil which I am grateful is out of my life but want to kick the bits that I still get caught up in out the door.

Feeling a million times better than I did this time last year must remember that.
