I really hope you can find a way to get to another place. - GS
I'm working on just that. I have requested a transfer and possibly by the end of the year I can work someplace else where it will not be so hard and the others will appreciate me or at least not constantly undermine me. I always think I'm not asking for so much from my job or my life. But as basic as my needs are, or I consider them to be, the rest of the world is pretty stingy with someone like me. It will be a big thing for me to actually transfer and move on as planned. I rarely have done things like that in the past. Usually I wait until I can't take it anymore and just run off and quit. It is usually traumatic. This will seem very strange to decide what I want and then actually do something about it to take better care of myself. Sadly, I doubt that I will be missed very much when I leave there. Barely a ripple in the pond of dysfunction. And once again, I will be the little pioneer making my way in a new world. But I'd say it's got to be done if I have any hope at all of reaching my true potential.
I was thinking lately about Laura' s wanting to talk about her original story now. I think I'm beginning to understand what you say, Laura, that just because you want to talk about it doesn't mean you are still suffering about it and obsessed with it. I've noticed lately that even though I have given up on my own N who "wooed" me and then dropped me flat, I still want to just say a couple things about it sometimes. Like an echo or something. Those feelings I once had for him, even though I know now they were based on what I wished he were like, still live quietly in me. They still rise up a little bit. They were and are real and sometimes need a place to exist in me. Now it just makes me sad sometimes. And it is better not seeing him or having contact. But I still remember those feelings I had and it still crosses my mind sometimes. Plus, life is so quiet nowadays and that feels kind of sad too. I'm not used to having to really see my life as it is. It feels a little funny. Most of my life I have had some kind of an attraction going with someone and had that on my mind a lot. A pleasant distraction sometimes or a familiarly painful one. But a feeling I was used to and comfortable with. Now for the first time in my life I don't do that anymore and don't really want to. But I miss it on some level. So, I sometimes find myself wanting to say the old questions: why was I treated badly, did he ever really feel anything for me, what's he doing now, stuff like that. I don't talk about it much at all. But sometimes I want to.