Hi, CB. We are all in this together. I am happy you found solace in my cheerleading for Sheeva. Any of this is for anybody going through this.
Divorcing an N is nasty stuff. How dare we, eh?
But whenever we can detach from the emotion of the "battle" and take a larger perspective, we can give ourselves some compassion....and rest. Maybe then we can see that this is not really about them and the crazy things they throw our way to get us to think we are in hell. But that it's OUR life and OUR journey and they are bit players put there to teach us something.
My ex N has been one of my biggest teachers in this life. I learned so much from him . He has NO idea of course, being asleep as he is, and if he ever heard that, he would say (typical N fashion) "of course....see? It IS all about me!!").
I felt like I was in a horrid swamp and he was the mucky water and whenever I got one leg out, I would look down and see tentacles of totall panic and fear grabbing me, pulling me down. When I started to detach and reclaim my life, I realized how skilled N's are (and THIS board really helped!!) at conjuring up illusions of horror. But that's what they are....illusions. They are no more real than any other thought we may have. Most of it is smoke and mirrors. And lawyers are not miracle workers, even if they are in our "camp". Nothing gets done "quickly" in the courts...nothing. And family court is especially slow. I learned to detach from any time deadlines I thought should be there.
It made my life that much easier. (I am referring to your other posts, about courts and lawyers, CB).
I have a little thing I go through whenever I go down the dark spiral of regret about the money lost fighting him, or money he is hiding, or the lack of financial support he is giving our kids, or the way he is in general:
(imagine the master card commercial):
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ spent on lawyers and court fees....
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ lost in child support and tuition aid......
%#^$&*@&#!!!!! in energy spent being angry and hurt......
Getting the a**hole out of my life.............PRICELESS!!!!
To Sheeva: Money is like anything else....it's just energy and pretty much a collective illusion. I don't really see the "money" in and out of my hands....it's just numbers. If you focus on feeling like you simply don't have the money to get a lawyer...that may be your "reality" but understand it's created in our heads first.
Now this may sound nuts (as if the above doesn't already), but I have seen it work for my family many times (and for me). If you truly want to be represented by an attorney, and if you believe that is what is best: you will. If you stop that thought every time it comes up with your percieved "reality" (I can't afford one) then you have deemed it so. That's ok, really. But everything in our life is how WE percieve it. And we are so powerful it's shocking.
Try, (ok, just try?) imagining yourself with a powerful ally in the courts (assuming you think it's what you need or want to win this....if not...carry on). Now don't put any stops on that (as in: how could that possibly happen? Not going to....etc). Don't worry about HOW. Just carry the mental picture and remain open to it happening. This is where faith and believing and hope comes in. These "real" things that can come your way may always have been available, you just couldn't see them (our minds do amazing things). I bet something comes up for you...a WAY, a path, a possibility. These may be just the suggestions people have been making.....women's shelters who may know attorneys who work probono, etc... Just don't WORRY about the outcome. Focus on the good stuff in your life (there has to be something). ALLOW good things to happen, ok? This is the great mystery of life....how amazing it can be if we let it!
This statement from your earlier post is incredibly powerful. You have deemed this so. I know how much work it takes to turn this into :I CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT but it's entirely possible. Please make room in your head for that possibility, please. It is your way home. (make some "room" by "flushing" that jerk out of your head whenever you can!)
I don't mean to sound harsh, or that somehow this is your fault (I went through that part and would love to spare you that). The only thing you did was get involved with someone who cannot possibly love the way you know how to. He is particularly skilled in making you feel certain ways (mostly bad!). If you feel crappy, it's most likely the "training" you recieved from the N. So don't give in to that. Just because you can claim your life back doesnt' mean you have failed in trusting it to this person!!! That is past. That is what happened. It is a memory, no longer real, no longer NOW.
I gotta go, but I WILL be sending you and CB and anyone else who is stuck in the negative with an N's debris: lots and lots of positive, high and happy energy so you can spend your thoughts in possibility, not limitations.
much loveMum