Did you feel that your only salvation was making your N understand?
Okay, bear with me on this as it is related.
I believe that I operate from this basis: I was born to parents who didn't want me. They didn't want any children, though they had two. Emotionally I was abandoned just about from the start. But physically they were pretty much right there in front of me all the time. So I only knew, from day one practically, that what I was seeing what not what I should be believing. Huge abandonment hidden under this facade of a normal family of four. I do not trust what I see, I do not trust what people say or do, I do not trust myself. That is the basis, I believe, for just about every interaction I have in life.
Basically, in every interaction I have, mostly the negative ones but possibly also some of the positive ones, I jump right past the beginning and into the digging part, the figuring out part, as part of the defense of my fragile hold on the relationship.
I don't even consider that the other person might just be pretty screwed up or have a completely opposing agenda to mine from the get-go. I don't even stop for a moment to take in what I just heard. That is the behavior I have to unlearn.
Big Boss has big issues in my opinion. Possibly a personality disorder. So, there will be no good conversation with her. There will be strategizing only. I found that out early on by the way she handled my "career development" back in January by actually cutting short my temporary management assignment--in effect demoting me--only three weeks after rushing me into the position to begin with. I probably blew it way back when by letting myself be carried along in the current of her river. Or the winds of her tornado. But, boy, did I learn a lot as a result of that experience. I will be able to mine it for lessons for a long time to come. And that is what I am after right now.
So I have had four conversations about my "career". One person listened and understood. One person (two conversations) heard and will probably back off. The third person might run into the office on Monday and tell big boss I said she lied to me. Or she might forget the whole thing. Pretty amazing stuff in my opinion. I'm learning so much.
Fortunately, Big Boss is leaving in two weeks to go wreak havoc on another unsuspecting office. We will be getting a new temporary idiot. I happen to think they, whoever they is, are setting aside this office for someone who might actually be more appropriate but needed more of the right kind of experience in order to be qualified for an office this size. Someone gave me some information while I was on my assignment that leads me to believe this is what is happening and I will be very interested to see if I'm right about that.
Did I answer the question I highlighted at the beginning of this post?!? It's not a simple yes or no I would say. In the moment when I have to come up with a response to these disordered types, I do tend to think that is the only thing, making them believe me, convincing them through my superior reasoning abilities. Hee hee. Sounded a little N there!
It turns out my approach is completely flawed through and through. It is based on my childish perception of my validity as taught me by the confusing situation in my FOO. Emotional abandonment hidden behind the everyday going-through-the-motions scenario created by my parents. Nothing in my life was what it seemed on the surface. And I sensed it, but didn't have the words to understand it. Or the ability to do anything about it.
CB, there is a lot in your post and I only touched on one thought! I too am having lots of things happening all at once it seems, but I think it's going to come together eventually.
The relationship addiction thing--I have it for sure. Though on the outside I might seem like something of a nun for all the intimacy I have had in my life. But there is definitely an addictive aspect to my personality and it does have to do with relationships. I never even realized that about myself. But I guess that is because I wasn't really tested up until the last few years.
Oh yes, the handing over of the keys. I do that all the time. I read that Stalin once said, about the U.S., that we would sell them the rope to hang ourselves with. I do that all the time! I did it with the N co-worker. All in one conversation I told him every single weakness I have, without realizing it at the time of course, and he eventually pushed every one of those buttons. It was amazing. He must have felt like a kid in a candy store (or a pervert in a triple X video store). I just gave him exactly the information he needed to toy with me endlessly. Well, it did have to end eventually. But he went to town with it for many, many months.
I am way too open about myself. Not sure why. Maybe it's related to boundaries? Or my values? I believe in the truth almost above everything else. Yet, I have huge trust issues and I do hold back a lot in many situations.
I think the answer for me to much of this is to shore up my inner workings. Build a firm foundation of a real self.