My father in law is back from his winters in Florida, and every time he comes back I get this feeling of dread, this feeling of forboding,
and I get mad at myself, for allowing him to have that much power over me, yet at the same time I know he is going to call here almost every day, to complain about everyone and and anyone, he can't get along with any of his neighbors, and if he needs something it will be us he calls, as he is only about A 20 drive from here.... (way to close for comfort), because when he needs or wants something he means AT THAT MOMENT... you are expected to put your entire plans and life on hold for him or LOOK OUT, I not only deal with him but then i have to deal with my hubby being really upset after they talk on the phone, he gets my hubby really angry and then i have to deal with that........ it is like he is invading our family / through his damm phone calls?
I hate the fact that I feel so powerless , that i allow him to take away my power, just once i would like to be able to be in his presence and not have my entire being effected, I litterally feel a physical , spiritual, emotional physcological reaction arround him, it is almost like he has this way of making my entire being on edge, anxious, and get a real gloom arround him
does anyone else get like that? it just really irritates me that he has this power over me..... what do you all do to be able to handle the people in your lives?
I hate this.... If it was a neighbor or a friend I could chose NOT to have these types of people in my life, but because it is family you dont get that choice.........
and the fact that I really belive that this man has never been told "NO" in his entire life, good luck to try and set him straight at 82
bullies always win