Author Topic: Is there a link between childhood sexual abuse and NPD?  (Read 3817 times)


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Re: Is there a link between childhood sexual abuse and NPD?
« Reply #15 on: April 21, 2007, 11:29:25 AM »
I don't believe every abused child becomes an N.

Hopalong, my x-N has told me repeatedly that the little child inside is dying, or has died. To me, this would be an opportunity for intense therapy - for an insightful therapist to begin to model nurturing in hopes of giving that little child enough breath to hang on, maybe even survive. But at this stage, there may be too much depression for the N to even contemplate such a risk.

"An unexamined life is a wasted life."
Time wounds all heels.


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Re: Is there a link between childhood sexual abuse and NPD?
« Reply #16 on: April 21, 2007, 03:33:38 PM »
Hi Margo,

Yes, I have read about this. The child who is destined to be an N experiences " a seizmic  blow to their ego " when very young. Lack of mirroring and bonding with a caretaker or parent, neglect, sexual abuse are soul murdering to a child. At some point they " split " from their real selves and go into another state where they are omnipotent and powerful. This grows and evolves into a false self that must be preserved at all costs. There is a real self in there but it is much too psychologically threatening for the Narcissist to live from that place. Even approaching that vulnerable and historically powerless place is extremely threatening.
At one level I have compassion for such sociopaths, liars and swindlers but at the same time I know that the cost of their comfort is my safety and sanity. They do not play by the same rules and live only to manipulate and survive.

Sea storm

Thanks Seastorm.  Margo


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Re: Is there a link between childhood sexual abuse and NPD?
« Reply #17 on: April 21, 2007, 03:35:09 PM »
After I read this I think I may point blank ask my nmom if she was sexually molested as a child.  When she asks why I would ask such a thing I will respond with, "I am just trying to figure out why you do the things you do...."  and leave it at that.....I'll let you know her response!

Ummm.... yikes! and good luck.  Margo


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Re: Is there a link between childhood sexual abuse and NPD?
« Reply #18 on: April 21, 2007, 03:49:42 PM »
I don't believe every abused child becomes an N.

Hopalong, my x-N has told me repeatedly that the little child inside is dying, or has died. To me, this would be an opportunity for intense therapy - for an insightful therapist to begin to model nurturing in hopes of giving that little child enough breath to hang on, maybe even survive. But at this stage, there may be too much depression for the N to even contemplate such a risk.


I know that all children who are abused don't become N's or emotionally disturbed people.  I read a book about children that survive abuse and overcome and there seems to be some personalities that are just more resiliant and better at coping and moving on.  Obviously, some aren't. 

Now..... having read some information on NPD.... I'm also inclined to believe that a child's relationship with their primary caretaker may hold some of the keys to how a child copes with terrible abuse.  If a "good enough" primary caretaker is involved with the child's life through 36 of their first months..... perhaps they complete the individuation process and are able to develop of sense of themselves that saves them from the fate of becoming an N or Antisocial personality? 

I  haven't read any information at all that connected sexual abuse to NPD.  I will do some checking but assume ANY abuse will create disruptions deep enough to distort ego development if the primary caretake doesn't provide a stable enough relationship or is the actual abuser.  ::going to do some research::\Margo