After putting up my last post, I went for a walk. It is a beautiful evening, warm, no humidity. More like Oregon summer weather than mid-Atlantic sprawl spring.
And God whapped me one right upside the head, right in the middle of it.
I have been given an experience of grace, a genuine damn miraculous experience of grace, something that hasn't happened to me in many long years, and I almost squandered it.
I have been struggling for decades with the question of unilateral forgiveness, unable to grasp how it could be genuinely possible to let an issue go, truly put it out of sight and out of mind, without somehow being evasive, being in denial, colluding with the other party to 'paper it over' and endorse my being misused.
I have wanted an answer to that problem with all my heart. At least, I thought I did. Because Sunday night, I was given the answer, and I nearly wasted it.
The meaning of my release from pain has nothing to do with keeping score, here or anywhere else.
It is totally different from that.
The meaning of my release from pain was simply that God [as I understand Him] has that much power. That God [as I understand Him] can make me whole, regardless of my circumstances.
That unilateral forgiveness can be - IS! - a matter between God and myself, and nobody else, in the sense of healing the hurt.
I wasn't healed so that I'd have more energy available to me for obsessing about this in the future. I was healed so that I could forgive, release, and put this episode behind me, and move into a better future. Monday was a sample of what that future might hold for me, if I would just open myself up to it. I want that wholeness, I want that healing, I want that future, whatever it holds. I want that God, and I want Him forever.
Hops, I forgive you freely and completely. I haven't seen any of the other posts here - God forgive me, I don't think I'm strong enough yet in this new insight that I could hold on to this emotional and spiritual state, if any responses turned out to be strident and condemning, and I don't want to go back to the state I was in. It was an insult to God, to misuse His gift that way.
I hope everyone here will forgive me - I am grateful beyond words for having had the chance to work this out here, and talk about it openly, and admit my own fault, and glimpse, thank God, a way of being that I never expected to touch in this life.
I pray that I will have the spiritual strength to hold on to it. And I'm sorry I haven't looked at what anyone else has had to say about any of this - if anything. I will, though, in a day or so, after I've given myself a chance to get used to this new way of seeing things.
Whoever out there was praying for me - thank you. It worked. God be thanked and praised. May you be blessed, whole and free, and walk in light all the days of your life, whoever you are.