Sadly for me, as I was growing up, I saw that all the older gals were dating, then engaged, then married and the husband supported them.
Then I went out to work. I had no Degrees, whatever, but I did manage, as this was the time of Hope (Hopeless for me) Chests, to buy 12 place settings of silverware (Flair pattern) and 12 place settings of good Chinaware, Starburst pattern from Easterling.
So much for that, as I never married, I still have the damned dishes packed in 3 boxes in my closet, but one Xmas I gave my daughter my silverware Chest and everything in it.. The dishes? I would give them away except my daughter broke one of the fruit nappies and One place setting is short a piece --not the real excuse. Lordy--even has matching individual ash trays.
All I can say is that I figure G_d was looking after me and threw me into a car crash, disabled me, so I could sue and have enough money to live on, thanks to Hertz Rent-A-Car.
Obviously the work I do now is just part-time to be busy and I have never had the experiences like what you gals are talking about now!
I wish Luck to all of you.