Yes people can be extremely hurtful, I got called a lot of names at shcool, and girls can be very cruel (some girls anyway and especially in my old school) when youve got spots and your a young lad, being looked at like some hideous beast tends to dent the soul some what, once some girl gave me a look of such pure digust it made me feel like killing myself and hurt me very deeply, but hey happy days


Ah what am I like, big baby aint I, character building is what it was and is, I dont regret anything thats ever happened to me be it good or bad, its made me who I am, its helped me learn to be a better person, tougher yet still kind ( i hope

) Ive been to edge of hell and back again via various things and now im cooling off i'm feeling forged anew, iron on the outside as well as on the inside with some soft reserved for those I love.