Margo Thanks.
Hop Thanks, have peace for two days is nice. Will try. Will not go to Sunday school because I do not want to see my boss.
I am not prepared to reply to you. I am shocked for what you have suffered. To the point that I can't even think what to tell you. When you as a parent send your child to school, you are sending the most beautiful treasure you have. Your baby. And you need to be able to trust that your baby will be well taken care during those hours away from you. And if we as teachers do not show empathy for a desperate parent, we are dead meat. We should not be in the education profession if we do not provide support to a desperate parent. But also, desperate parents terrorize teachers many times. It is like doctors. A doctor that is threaten is not able to take care of a patient because when a person has fear, the person cannot think clearly. That is why I do not offend my boss, because I do not want him to have fear of me. I want him to know that I will be loyal to him and if I cannot be loyal to him i will just leave. I do not threat my doctor, although I know he is as guilty as sin, because he gave me pills that damaged my liver, but I need him to get me out of this mess I am in, if I threat him he will fear me and wont be able to think clearly. It is a good technique not to scare people that have power over us. Someitmes parents are scared and they scare other people including teachers. Now we have been told that we cannot give advice, if a student needs advice we havet o send them to the councelor because if we give advice we can get a low suit because we are not licensed advisers. We cannot give hugs, we cannot pet a student, people in general have created an evironment of fear and now teachers and principals are scared to do good things that can be twisted and used against the person that is trying to help.
I am not giving excuses for the way you were treated. no way. You were not treated feirly. You were not provided with trust and comfort, you were sunk in soudbt, in fear of the unknown. You were not helped appropiratly. You were finally helped but that was not good. Fortunately it was a problem of time. Probably your son could have gotten out of it on his own with out so much trouble and name calling, names that stay with the person for the rest of the life, no good for certain professions, when they grow up. Probably you could have helped your son on your own. With what you know now you will be able to help a child with out asking anybody else.
My point is, it was bad because, if it was something that could have affected your child forever, and cause permanent damage, and the help was so slow, then, the child would be in deep trouble due to the slowliness of the system, the slowliness of the help arriving.
I promise you that I will be more careful with children with "learning disabilities". Many times, children are lazy, and parents trying to get answeres, find a learning disability. We never know. But I promise you, after reading your post, I will pray everyday for the parents of my students, I will pray everyday for God to give me wisdon and for God to help me help parents. I will counciously try to be more empathetic to desperate parents. I will. I will. I will. Deb, I promise you. I will try to be more helpful.
I will not tolerate disrespect, though.
And, Deb, these people at my school have been extremely disrespectful. I know you know that.
I am very disappointed of my Christian school, I the third church in a row, of churches in general, I am totally disappointed of selfish narcisistic bitches called pastors, and from religion in general. Not from God, not from Feith, I knwo God has been taking care of me.
Love you Deb. Thank you. Please. Deb keep talking to me.
Dear friends, please keep talking to me. You give me comfort and that helps me keep going. Please, help me survive this two weeks and a Half.
God bless you all.