My principal is mad at me. I have a very trouveled student with terrible defiance of aouthority. He is constantly complaining that I am singleling him out. Today my principal sonlged me out in Sunday scgool. I thonk I hae to stop going to that church. I do not need to see my boss on Sunday. There was a student and a mother in the Sunday school class and they saw it. He asked me where was my bible. I said that I did not bring it. Then he said what do I do to students who do not bring text book to class. I said they get a zero because they need a text book to do the work. He said you have a zero. Then I wanted to sit in a chair that is mro confotable to me so I am short and the other chairs ar to hight my feet hang. He said that I am rearanging his funiture. All in front of everybody. The schoo board attend to this same Sunday school. I felt horrible. Why do you think he was doing that? I asked his wife if I was irritating people n the class and she said i was fine. still I think he is tryng to send me mesages that he odes not like me anymore. What do you think? He laso told me in a rpivate meeting some days before that if God brought me to that schoo is to benefit me, not to benefit the school because he has a stack of teachers that wnat tot each there. I feel very sad because I have worked very hard ofr this school and many of our students have been expelled from other schools. It is very hard to work there. But of I start looking for a job somewhere else, I do not know if he is going to give at least a decent recomendations. Please, give me advice. What to do, what to say. I cant even sleep. On top of all I have another CT-scan tomorrow and I ma escared. Please, do not give me consolation. Please give me ideas to focous on the solution adn not on the problem, Please please, you thoughts are important to me. I know that Seastorm was a high school teacher. Anybody else? Sea? Leah, Hops, CB. Margo, Cat, Qrite, enybody, Deb, please, talk to me. I do nto wnat to do the spell check. So forgive me for that.
God help me here.