Sorry, but I disagree. I also have trouble spelling and am dyslexic, so I use a dictionary. I too spell phonetically, so I saw where the mistake was. "Ser" sounds like "sur".
FYI: I use a great on line free dictionary is If you type in the word phonetically, it gives the right spelling and pronunciation. I love it.
I did apologize. Guess that meant nothing.
I feel like this is like the king who has no clothes. Why is it wrong to bring someone's attention to it?
As you know, having dyslexia and trouble spelling makes life difficult. I work hard at reading comprehension and spelling because they don't come to me naturally. So, I have to (or choose to) work harder at these things.
A wonderful English teacher I had once told me that she also couldn't spell either and she dealt with this by using a dictionary. That gave me hope because here she was teaching English and yet she couldn't spell.
When I misspell a word badly because I'm thinking of it phonetically, I want to be corrected.
Guess I see it differently.