OK, I have two people who have parallel lives - GS AND Ami........Both of you said it like I feel it. I, like GS, grew up with money. My parents bought me cars, I had a huge room with my own bathroom, we had a pool out back, we took trips to Hawaii, etc. But funny, from the time I was 16 I worked and never asked them for spending money.....I always had enough on my own.
But later on after I moved out my mom gave me $10,000 for a down payment on a house. Nice, right? I think that was the last "nice" thing she did for me. After that I had to ask. I always made it on my own. But while my mom dropped $1000 on an area rug, I ate at work (restaurant) because there was no food in the fridge. I didn't want it then. I was still in a time in my life when I didn't know what codependent meant. I didn't even realize I was from a dysfunctional family. I assumed everyone was like me. I was such a people pleaser that I absolutely could NOT say no to anyone. Boundaries? What boundaries? My mom threw guilt and shame on me daily. I went underground. In her face I was pretty much whatever she wanted me to be.....behind her back I was a drunk, a drug user, promiscous, etc. I don't know, now I think subconsciously I was trying to break away even way back then. (We are talking 30 years ago.....)
But fast forward to today. I am 47. I know what I am doing at my job.....my mom is over the hill but she is so preoccupied with staying young looking (facelifts and tummy tucks....) being well thought of (drops huge amounts of money at the Christian school and loves getting a golden shovel for ground breaking ceremonies.........................meanwhile I pledge $20 per month.....she writes out a check for $5000.) Most successful...............lives in a huge home, drives beautiful cars, etc. But she makes me work WITH her which I cannot stand. And the reason for that is I need to be there to make her look good. But my house is falling apart, I don't spend much time with my kids because of my harried schedule..........I get up at 5 leave work at 3....run home, pack lunches, do chores and out the door driving kids around. Meanwhile my grandmother goes over to my mom's house and dusts for her. You should see the 1/2 inch of dust on my furniture. My mom can afford to pay a housekeeper. My grandmother cleans my other aunts house, too. I told my mom just once I would like a card with a gift certificate for 4 house cleanings, or something like that....... You see, even my mom has help from her 91 year old mom. I don't get help from my mom unless I ask. My grandmother offers it to my mom. I have to ask. Throw my a bone here, mom.
Do we sound like spoiled brats?? Sometimes I think my mom thinks I am. She uses the word entitled so much that I bristled with Alice said that to GS. Entitled? Yes, I am entitled to all your money since you neglected me while you were out making your fortune!!!