What a wonderful dream! If I can borrow it for my self for a minute, I would hope that they would let me know that when learning was complete, I wouldn't feel the need for a grade.
When I feel sadness and, I guess, compassion for my mother, I feel very threatened. I feel overwhelmed. Part of that comes from old feelings from childhood. Part of it comes from normal feelings that most everyone who has tried to help my mother feels after being with her. I am just thankful that I have let certain conversations happen, because I know it's not all me.
I am just trying to remember that I am a flawed, caring adult who is reliving the pain of being an overwhelmed child. I need to feel all those feelings, even the hatred-as CB- suggested. I have felt it, and it did not kill me, or her. It's just that child who felt powerless from the onslaught of her mother's needs. And her mother has many needs again.
GS, I just want to say thanks, and if I've turned this into somewhat of a hijack because of my needs, I'll hush now. Actually, I think I'll just reassure both young and adult Cat that they were just using their voice and sharing their voice with others!
cats paw