I am not good at sharing, or, expressing my feelings, but after these past 3-4 years, if I don't share with someone what I have been going thru lately, I may just lose my mind. I can't sleep, I am barely able to get up to come to the office. My thoughts are are just mush. I don't know what to think, or believe anymore. The worst part is, my situation is to much to try and explain to someone. They would think I had lost all of my senses.
I need answers,advice, insight, or help in any form. I will tell you my story. I hope I can tell you some of it without babbling:
I met this man Dec'2003. We dated, and was ingaged to be married very quickly. He had big dreams, promises, and hopes in all of my areas of insterest. We told everyone we were in love and we were not going to have a "long" engagement. We have had numerous problems issues along the way, and we still are not married. All of the problems/issues according to him have been mine. He says, I am: selfish, self-seeking, not a christain, and have lots of issues from my marriage(now divorced) that I have brought into our relationship??
Thru the years F,(what I will call him) has exhibited mood swings. One day he is on top of the world, the next day he is pessimisstic about everything. Which is for the most part his outlook 99% of the time. He feels everyone hates him, and is out to get him. He lurks behind every door to see what is there. He lost his wife in a car accident and to him tell it, she was this wonderful, saint that never did wrong. He says she is the only real Christian he has ever known. His children left hm after their mother died, and have never spoken to him, visited him, or called him since. He doesn't speak to some of his brothers and sisters, and the ones he does, it is because he wants something from them.Which is always MONEY.
He started our relationship loving my girls,my sisters/brothers, and being around my family. Now he puts them all down. He has no reason to do so. They are always kind and loving to him. However, he says their "problems" are from my mother and father???
F, rages at me, and blows the tinyest of thing out of context. He never allows me to explain myself, we don't discuss my so call, "issues" (he just beats me over the head with them) I have no idea what he is talking about. He never apologizes, i'm told i am controlling, ect ect ect. He talks terribly about my ex-husband, which was a good husband and was/is a great father. When we (he) have these dark times, he disappears! he want call, or answer any calls from me. sometimes for almost 2 weeks. He once disappeared for 4 months!! puff, he was gone. Then one day he just called....
Dumb me, just took him back....
Last Thursday, he unleashed on me, told me not to wear my engagement ring, he wasn't getting into a marriage with me until i corrected my issues, i was selfish, if he married me i would not look after him, i only want him to give to me, and i never share with him. he gives me nothing. even when he does repairs to my hm, i have to pay him for the "gas" to get to my house., and i buy the needed supplies. He said some terrible things to me, a little worst than usual. His sister told me he had been talking over the phone to his x-girlfriend. they had an affair durning his GREAT MARRIAGE..
knowing he is seeing someone else has taken me for a loop. I tried calling him, he want answer his phone.
I think the last blow, and the things he said,(he had never some of the things before) was his way of dumping me. I think he wants to pursue, rekindle his relationship with his old flame. He has a key to my house that i want, i have paid him to do work to my house he hasn't done. What do I do now...
I have wanted to get out of this dark hole, i just haven't had the energy. I am going to see a Counselor this week. I am lost.... is he coming back???