yes its mothers day..
allot of times i don't have much good to say about my mother... she had me young, i don't think she really wanted me,but kept me because"it was the right thing to do"...
my mother worked her butt off to support me(the only child)...married and divorced 4 times..
well at-least i learned How not to quit so easy and walk away from relationships like i had seen her do..but she did instill in me independence,self-reliance, stubbornness, knowledge, passion,intensity, a fierce love for my own daughter..
but she always kept me at a distance, esp when i hit my teenage years(competition?) and when i married, she was insanely jealous and vehemently against me getting married 'cause i was ruining my life,like she did'... she further distanced herself when i had my only child, and even moved from Fl to NC to be alone,single and live with her horses... but now, the past few years, i think she has softened up... maybe realized that due to my health probs and her granddaughter's age, that she has/is missing out and is now trying to be more supportive..esp of me pursuing a legal career.. she listens to me cry LD about the husband from hell and tells me she is there for me...
so all in all, my mom Is not perfect( i Love you Adele)..has made allot of mistakes,few apologies..but i love her and take my hat off to her,and my grandmothers...tough women..I'm not perfect as a mother.i wont ever be.. but i can say that my Mom did her best that she knew how to..
as a mother,I am doing the best i know how to do...When i know more, then i can do more...
i am trying my best to set a better example for my daughter by trying to teach her how to be confident,strong,brilliant and kind to the rest of the planet..
thats all we can do as mothers,teach our children better,try better....
To all Moms,sisters,daughters,grandmothers everywhere salute you... Happy mother's day.. You ARE LOVED!!!