Author Topic: the world as a stage in narcissistic and psychopathic terms.....  (Read 1522 times)


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the narcissist is more concerned for admirtation as they in their odd genuine way
see  themselves as  wonderful people...

the psychopath only presents self as a wonderful person to others
and knows if they buy it they are suckers....
to be used....
what they want is raw power on the worlds stage
as their drug of choice...
theirs is a  more a whatever works for raw power for themselves...
they could geneally usually could give a rat's ass about bieing admired as a nice person
unless they can use it to gain power...
the similarity to a narcissist
might be the high regard they have of themselves
and not being given to doubting such
and anyone who causes blocks to  their own sense of grandiose entitlement...they have a kind of weird skill
to use  the others self doubt against themselves...
but the ways the narcissist does this
i think varies  in some ways greatly from how a narcissist does it..
but often they are lumped together
coz of the grandiose self entitlement ways
that narcissist and psychopath are similar in a sense...
head and shoulders above perhaps any other of your personalit disorders :)
but similar maybe but to a lesser degree
in the paranoid-narcissistic spectrum of o'connor
could be sadists anti-socials and paranoids...
later maybe on that one :)
as suggested by some of what i have said above....


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borderline narcissists?
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2007, 05:43:42 AM »
got myself to thinkin their about the issue of self doubt and narcissists and psychopaths...
and what about borderline personality disorder and
some say their is a mixed type borderline narcissist...

borderline per se strikes me as
fluctuating wildly from trust in others
and doubting those they trusted
which in that way is quite different from narcissists and psycopaths
but when doubting others
intensely as they can...
they might use many similar tactics to narcissists or psychopaths...

yep that is the ticket...

gonna change my way of thinkin...
sorry just a dylan song that popped into my head :)
by the by i dont think dylan changed his way of thinkin  that much
but repackaged the same old nature as if a new nature...


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on a personal note...
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2007, 05:47:40 AM »
on a personal note...
my mum methinks was a narcissist
tho few to none :) hmmm.... in the immediate family agree...
which seems to be a case of she did her numbers well...

methinks the damage done by a narcissist
to those under their power
can tend to be worse than the damage of a psychopath....
anyone maybe agree...later on why i think that maybe


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Re: the world as a stage in narcissistic and psychopathic terms.....
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2007, 06:06:29 AM »
I dunno, Michael, because I think/hope I was spared being close to a psychopath (though my brother once seemed like one)...
as to the damage, it's real, it's great, and the damager is so subtle it's insidious.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: the world as a stage in narcissistic and psychopathic terms.....
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2007, 09:46:58 AM »
Hi Michael:

tho few to none  hmmm.... in the immediate family agree...

That sounds lonely.  You're the only one in your family who thinks your mum is an N?  I bet you have to be strong to keep your conviction as N's have such a way of twisting things around...  causing one to quesiton oneself. :? :shock:   No one else has to agree with you, do they?  What matters is that you feel certain in what you think??

I think my father was a psychopath. 

methinks the damage done by a narcissist
to those under their power
can tend to be worse than the damage of a psychopath....

I dunno.  How does one measure damage?  Is there a scale or something?  Personally, I've had this weird theory all of my life that not everything that happens to/around me has to effect me.   I really think so much has to do with attitude, coping mechanisms and beliefs (but ofcourse, I could never have put that into words, as a child).  I think I just thought my father was a lunatic and so I tried to pay as little attention to him and his ridiculous tantrums as possible.   I just thought that as soon as he calmed down, which he always eventually did, life would go on as usual.  So unless he was acting violently, I think I mostly ignored his ranting/raging or left the room so as to avoid it.  Is it possible that I treated my father like a 2 year old having a tantrum?  I wonder now?  It almost seems like it.

Do you feel damaged?  Like tainted goods?  I do these days but for years I didn't.  Ha!  Maybe I am becoming more self-aware?  Although, I do admit, the damage is not the result of my father's behaviour but of other more recent traumatic events.

So what about the damage?  Is it permanent?  Must we tolerate it's effects forever?  Are we done like dinner, do you think Michael?

Personally, I don't think so.  I think that was then, this is now.  Seriously.  Here's what goes through my head:

Yes, I've lived through some really nasty junk.
Yes, it has hurt me in certain ways and has held me back in other ways.
Yes, I've somehow managed to survive and feel somewhat sane, so that's a good thingy.

No, I'm not going to let the past rule now or in the future.
No, I have no intention of limping through life, licking my wounds.
No, I won't give that much power to those who want it so badly.
I'm in charge of me.

I could go on.  I'm just in a kind of .......thinking out loud mode this morning.

How about you Michael?  What do you think about how your past has or is effecting your now and your future?

Hey Hops.  Sorry your brother was so nasty.  Not nice for you at all.  :( 



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Re: the world as a stage in narcissistic and psychopathic terms.....
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2007, 01:14:28 PM »
well dang and double dang
i had a nice long response to some things in hops and sela post
and someway hit some wrong keys
and poof it is gone...
and problem is if i type it in another format to prevent that
it doesnt paste in the way i typed it usually...
oh well
tempus fidgets
and maybe another time :(


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Re: the world as a stage in narcissistic and psychopathic terms.....
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2007, 01:43:32 PM »
I hate it when that happens.......

if at first you don't succeed..................

 :D Sela

PS:  If you highlight your entire post and right click copy before you post.....if something goes wrong, you can press "back",  right click, paste, and voila!!  (not that I remember to do all that most of the time but it does work!)
« Last Edit: May 25, 2007, 01:45:26 PM by Sela »